“New Research Reveals the Infancy of Saturn’s Planetary Rings in Comparison to Earth’s Age”

“New Research Reveals the Infancy of Saturn’s Planetary Rings in Comparison to Earth’s Age”

Wednesday, 31 May 2023 – 18:01 WIB LIVE Techno – Saturn’s planetary rings are relatively infancy on cosmic scales, forming less than 400 million years ago, according to new research. In comparison, Saturn itself is about 4.5 billion years old and life appeared on Earth about 580 million years ago. This means life on Earth … Read more

“Saturn’s Rings May Disappear Soon, NASA Reports”

“Saturn’s Rings May Disappear Soon, NASA Reports”

Monday, 29 May 2023 – 13:39 WIB VIVA Tekno – Of all the planets in the solar system, Saturn looks the most beautiful because of its striking rings. Up close, the rings glisten in a variety of colors, including pink, gray, and brown. However, Saturn’s rings are not permanent. It’s hard to imagine Saturn without … Read more

Saturn’s Iconic Rings Expected to Disappear Within Hundreds of Millions of Years, New Research Suggests

Saturn’s Iconic Rings Expected to Disappear Within Hundreds of Millions of Years, New Research Suggests

The researchers estimate that Saturn’s rings, which are made mostly of crushed ice, will last only a few hundred million years at most. (Picture: Wikipedia) Future stargazers may no longer be able to see through a telescope Saturn’s most iconic signature rings, which are mostly made up of crushed ice, according to new research. NASA’s … Read more

“Water Vapor Emission on Saturn’s Enceladus: James Webb Telescope Discovers Gargantuan Geyser Blasting Water Hundreds of Miles into Space”

“Water Vapor Emission on Saturn’s Enceladus: James Webb Telescope Discovers Gargantuan Geyser Blasting Water Hundreds of Miles into Space”

CNN Indonesia Wednesday, May 24 2023 19:00 WIB Illustration. Experts have detected bursts of hot water on Enceladus, which is one of Saturn’s satellites. (AFP PHOTO/NASA) Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — Telescope James Webb (JWST) caught water vapor emitting on one of the Planet’s satellites Saturn, Enceladus. Where does the water come from? Launch LiveScience, hot showers … Read more

“Sports Journalist Shares Incredible Video of Moroccan Player’s Skillful Shot”

“Sports Journalist Shares Incredible Video of Moroccan Player’s Skillful Shot”

Al-Marsad Sports: The sports journalist, “Mubarak Al-Shehri,” published a video clip of an attack by Moroccan Abdel-Razzaq Hamdallah, “Al-Ittihad club player, in front of Al-Hilal,” pointing to the way he shot the ball in front of the goal. Al-Shehri said, commenting on the video: “How did I miss this attack … O cover, oh thank … Read more

Saturn Has the Most Satellites in the Solar System with 145, Surpassing Jupiter’s 95

Saturn Has the Most Satellites in the Solar System with 145, Surpassing Jupiter’s 95

The largest number of satellites in the solar system, 145 in total… Jupiter in second place has 95 ⓒDaily Post = Image source/NASA JPL A research team led by Professor Brett Gladman and Dr. Edward Ashton at the University of British Columbia in Canada reported the discovery of 62 new satellites orbiting Saturn. As a … Read more

Saturn’s Rings Turning into Ice Rain and Uranus’ Moons May Harbor Warm Oceans

Saturn’s Rings Turning into Ice Rain and Uranus’ Moons May Harbor Warm Oceans

[Voice of Hope, May 6, 2023](comprehensive report by our reporter Xie Bohu) When it comes to Saturn, the first thing many people think of is the outer ring of Saturn, but now astronomers have discovered that the ring of Saturn is turning into ice rain and falling on Saturn. Moreover, it is not only Saturn … Read more

NASA Captures Stunning Image of Uranus Flaunting Multi-Layered Rings

NASA Captures Stunning Image of Uranus Flaunting Multi-Layered Rings

CNN Indonesia Tuesday, 11 Apr 2023 09:30 WIB The planet Uranus has sparkling rings. (nasa.gov web screenshot) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) captures the image Planet Uranus who was flaunting the enchantment of a multi-layered ring of ice giants. New image of Uranus, quoted from the website of the US … Read more