San Sebastian Film Festival: Spilled Blood | “Tardes de soledad”, an extraordinary documentary by Albert Serra

San Sebastian Film Festival: Spilled Blood | “Tardes de soledad”, an extraordinary documentary by Albert Serra

From San Sebastian There is a beauty that is both very archaic and very sophisticated in Afternoons of solitudethe extraordinary documentary –the first in his work- from Catalan Albert Serrawhich raised the level of official competition to its highest point San Sebastian International Film Festival. Archaic because the spectacle of the bullfighting –brutally cruel, but … Read more

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​harshly criticized by the film’s production company that left days before filming: ‘I can’t get over it’

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​harshly criticized by the film’s production company that left days before filming: ‘I can’t get over it’

Joaquin Phoenix generated a great controversy after his sudden departure from the acclaimed director’s ill-fated project Todd Hayneswhich was to begin filming in Mexico. The actor’s decision, announced five days before the start of filming, has triggered strong reactions, especially from the production company. Christine Vachonwho has not hesitated to express his discontent with the … Read more