Jennifer Aniston’s Extreme Beauty Secret: Facial with Salmon Sperm

Jennifer Aniston’s Extreme Beauty Secret: Facial with Salmon Sperm

Jakarta – Jennifer Aniston is one of the Hollywood actresses who is often praised for her youthful appearance. Even though she is 54 years old, the appearance of the US actress has not changed much like when she played in the Friends series. In an interview, Aniston admitted that she would do almost anything to … Read more

Natural Methods to Lower Cholesterol and Improve Heart Health

Natural Methods to Lower Cholesterol and Improve Heart Health

Written by Hossam Al-Shaqwiri, Friday, August 04, 2023 04:00 AM Lowering cholesterol naturally can seem challenging. However, some simple steps in lifestyle changes make it easier to manage your cholesterol levels. You can make some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle that can be beneficial. For example, using natural methods to reduce cholesterol may … Read more

The Health Benefits of Salmon: A Nutritional Powerhouse and Heart-Healthy Option

The Health Benefits of Salmon: A Nutritional Powerhouse and Heart-Healthy Option

Written by Nahair Abdel Nabi Saturday, July 22, 2023 08:00 AM Salmon is a type of fatty fish Which contains many nutrients that are good for you, as the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating fish, such as salmon, twice a week for its protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. According to the health website, … Read more

Gary Prado Salmón, the Bolivian soldier who captured ‘Che’ Guevara, dies

Gary Prado Salmón, the Bolivian soldier who captured ‘Che’ Guevara, dies

(EFE).- Gary Prado Salmón, the soldier who in October 1967 captured the Argentine-Cuban guerrilla Ernesto That Guevara, died this Saturday in the Bolivian department of Santa Cruz due to health complications at the age of 84. “The Lord has just called my father Gral Div SP Gary Augusto Prado Salmón to his Kingdom. He left … Read more

“5 Habits to Prevent Dementia: Protect Your Heart and Brain Through Lifestyle Changes”

“5 Habits to Prevent Dementia: Protect Your Heart and Brain Through Lifestyle Changes”

[Voice of Hope April 21, 2023](Editor: Guo Qiang) 40% of dementia can be prevented or delayed by changing living habits. According to the report of “The conversation”, the key risk factors of dementia are similar to cardiovascular diseases, including high blood sugar, high blood pressure, overweight, smoking, Therefore, if you can develop the following 5 … Read more

“Overpriced Luxuries in Indonesia: ZARA, Apple, and Salmon”

“Overpriced Luxuries in Indonesia: ZARA, Apple, and Salmon”

There is one hobby that is usually done by women, namely rewarding yourself with luxury goods. Are you one of them, Beauties? It must be nice after months of hard work, to finally be able to reward yourself with something you want to appreciate accomplishments. But, you know not that some of the luxury goods … Read more