Maximize your earnings – This is how you can earn even if you receive Kela’s money – 2024-08-19 10:27:35

Maximize your earnings – This is how you can earn even if you receive Kela’s money
 – 2024-08-19 10:27:35

News Did you know that you can earn money and still receive a disability pension or income support? You should know these things so that you can maximize your own earnings even when you cannot go to work 100%. Today at 6:00 #Maximize #earnings #earn #receive #Kelas #money

This is how much the man has earned in the absence of Thai pickers – 2024-08-09 11:26:50

This is how much the man has earned in the absence of Thai pickers
 – 2024-08-09 11:26:50

Mustikka-Pentti wonders if in the near future the berry pickers coming from Thailand will face the same fate as in Sweden in 2012. According to Pentti Jerone, the blueberry train has already left. Pentti Jeronen The berry crisis has not affected the people of Pielavetė Pentti “Mustikka-Pentti” Jerosen59, to summer. Not a single Thai berry … Read more