This is how much of a salary of 2,000, 4,000, 6,000 and 10,000 euros is left in the hand –

This is how much of a salary of 2,000, 4,000, 6,000 and 10,000 euros is left in the hand

The statistics requested by Iltalehti Veronmaksajain Keskusliito show how much is left over from salaries of various sizes per month after paying taxes. The Tax Administration says that last year’s total income taxes totaled 43.8 billion euros. Anu Kivistö Thursday, November 7 was the annual tax day, i.e. the day when public information on regular … Read more

From a salary increase of 100 euros, 37 euros remain in hand –

From a salary increase of 100 euros, 37 euros remain in hand

The public debate forgets that the truth about tax evasion is even darker than the tax statistics, says Suomen Ekonomien’s chief economist. Progressio encourages tax planning. Taxation should be neutral in relation to work income, so that everyone participates equally in financing our society, says Erämaja. Vesa Laitinen A person with a higher university degree … Read more

Bess changed her name –

Bess changed her name

The musician Bess has changed her name. A musician known as Bess They Launimo her first name is really Bess now. The matter appears from the Tax Administration, where Launimo can be found under the name Bess Launimo. Launimo has become known specifically by her stage name Bess, which is now her real name. In … Read more

The presenter couple has a huge income –

The presenter couple has a huge income

The host couple made good money last year. Anni and Ilkka Ihamäki both earned well last year. Matti Matikainen Host couple Years and Ilkka Ihamäki have both made huge incomes. Anni Ihamäki, who hosts her own podcast, earned a total of 279,782 euros last year. Of this, 147,567 euros was earned income and 132,215 euros … Read more

This is the income of Sonja Aiello, who received the sentence –

This is the income of Sonja Aiello, who received the sentence

Social influencer Sonja Aiello’s income is moderate. Sonja Aiello is a 25-year-old social media influencer. Mia Siren Social media influencer Sonja Aiellon earned income in the year was 54,754 euros. He accumulated capital income of 7,175 euros, i.e. his total income was 61,929 euros. Aiello has spent a quiet life on social media after he … Read more

Even tens of tons of savings in gift tax – Some of the heirs even change industries because of this –

Even tens of tons of savings in gift tax – Some of the heirs even change industries because of this

News An entrepreneur can transfer wealth to the next generation in a convenient way. Few people know that this trick can save tens of thousands of euros at best. Some even change fields because of this. Sami Koski Yesterday at 10:00 #tens #tons #savings #gift #tax #heirs #change #industries

“I’ve always wanted to be a Turk!” –

“I’ve always wanted to be a Turk!”

Evaleena Vuorenmaa is a dance teacher and professional dancer. – I’m really allergic if they start dictating what I can do, Eve (2nd left) describes herself in the documentary. Yle Dancehall champion Evaleena “Eve” Vuorenmaa is a dance teacher who got into a legal battle with her former employer. It all started when Eve had … Read more