The commission does not support the proposal to ban the sale of alcohol at gas stations

The commission does not support the proposal to ban the sale of alcohol at gas stations

The proposal to ban the sale of alcohol in DUS was not in the original draft law developed by the Ministry of Health (MoH), but it was proposed by several members of parliament. The president of the Association of Fuel Dealers, Ojars Karčevskis, emphasized that the discussion about the restriction to sell alcohol in DUS … Read more

Kariņš will return to the Saeima

Kariņš will return to the Saeima

Kariņš has been elected to the 14th Saeima, therefore the politician has the right to renew the mandate of a member of the Saeima. On March 28, the former prime minister announced his decision to resign from the position of minister of foreign affairs. He finished these duties on April 10. TVNET already reported that … Read more

Grevcova, the former member of the Saeima who was declared wanted, has applied herself to the prosecutor

Grevcova, the former member of the Saeima who was declared wanted, has applied herself to the prosecutor

It has already been reported that at the end of January 2023, the VDD concluded an investigation in connection with the public statements of the then representative of the “Stability” party, Grevcova, during a visit to the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia, making a decision to initiate criminal proceedings for possible gross disparagement of … Read more

The Saeima will evaluate the President’s proposal to celebrate the International Teachers’ Day on October 5

The Saeima will evaluate the President’s proposal to celebrate the International Teachers’ Day on October 5

The session will start at 10 a.m., and it will take place in the meeting hall of the Saeima commissions, as well as remotely in the format of a video conference. Representatives from the Office of the President, the Latvian Education and Science Employees’ Union (LIZDA), the Association of Latvian Education Managers and the Legal … Read more

Alcohol purchased on the Internet can be delivered no sooner than six hours from the moment of ordering

Alcohol purchased on the Internet can be delivered no sooner than six hours from the moment of ordering

The proposal sets an exception for alcoholic beverages in which the absolute amount of alcohol does not exceed 15 percent by volume. The sale of alcohol by distance contract was introduced during Covid-19. The deputies initially wanted to impose a complete ban on the sale of alcohol on the Internet. The parliamentary secretary of the … Read more

Plans to increase penalties for cruelty to animals

Plans to increase penalties for cruelty to animals

It is also planned to strengthen the punishment for a number of criminal offenses related to violence, including intentional infliction of bodily harm, threats to commit murder or inflict grievous bodily harm, if there is reason to fear that these threats may be carried out, stalking, unlawful deprivation of liberty, kidnapping and others. It is … Read more

14. Saeima deputy candidates will be tried for espionage for Russia

14. Saeima deputy candidates will be tried for espionage for Russia

The criminal organization purposefully and systematically used these channels for various activities directed against the interests of Latvia’s national security, including the illegal collection of undisclosed information and other information in order to hand it over to the Russian special services and other institutions. Calls were regularly published on the channels to collect information about … Read more

KNAB has imposed small fines on several Saeima parties

KNAB has imposed small fines on several Saeima parties

The inspections found that four parties committed violations of the law, as a result of which decisions were made on the refund of illegally received donations to the state budget in the amount of 8,700 euros in total. “United List”, the New Conservative Party, “Union of Latvian Regions” and “Sovereign Power” have been punished for … Read more

Latvian Politicians’ Controversial Choices and Allegations in the News

Latvian Politicians’ Controversial Choices and Allegations in the News

Reinis Pozniaks is a person that any party would be delighted to have on its electoral list for the European Parliament. But he has decided to run as a candidate from the “United List” alliance of political parties. Why exactly this choice? There were no offers from other parties, or did Reinis choose the party … Read more