Replacing Russian gas: Germany agreed with Qatar on the supply of LNG – news from Ukraine, fuel and energy complex

Replacing Russian gas: Germany agreed with Qatar on the supply of LNG – news from Ukraine, fuel and energy complex

Germany and Qatar have agreed a long-term energy partnership, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said after meeting with Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al in Doha on Sunday. transmits DW. Follow LIGA.Business on Facebook: top business news Habek noted that the partnership with Qatar includes not only LNG supplies to Germany, but also the development … Read more

Disputes in the new German government over Nord Stream 2 – a chance for Ukraine – ambassador

Disputes in the new German government over Nord Stream 2 – a chance for Ukraine – ambassador

About this in an interview “European truth”, published on January 4, said the Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnik. “After the creation of the coalition, the contradictions in the positions of these parties reappear. they say, the pipe has already been built, we cannot bury at the bottom of the Baltic Sea… Now this dispute … Read more

“Intrigues at every turn.” The Russian Foreign Ministry admitted that Nord Stream 2 may not be certified

“Intrigues at every turn.”  The Russian Foreign Ministry admitted that Nord Stream 2 may not be certified

According to him, the regulation of the certification procedure allows “not even to delay, but to carry out this consideration in the first, second conditionally instance, stretching it out for many months.” He also admits that certification could be complicated by US influence on Germany. According to Pankin, “maybe there is an American sledgehammer – … Read more

“I might not have reached Transnistria.” Makogon explained why Gazprom supplies gas to Moldova through Ukraine

“I might not have reached Transnistria.”  Makogon explained why Gazprom supplies gas to Moldova through Ukraine

“Why did we help them? Well, firstly, we want to help them, because we understand that there is blackmail from Gazprom. gas from networks on the territory of Moldova. First of all, it is Mogilev-Podolsky in Vinnytsia region. Quite a big city, “he said. The head of the OGTSU believes that Moldova, having turned to … Read more

Nord Stream 2 may be commissioned without obtaining a certificate – media

Nord Stream 2 may be commissioned without obtaining a certificate – media

In particular, there have been similar examples of gas pipeline launches in the past – they were originally commissioned without obtaining the North European Gas Pipeline (NEL) certificate and the EGL 401 gas pipeline. Moreover, the commissioning of Nord Stream 2 will save Russian Gazprom “Transit fees for pumping gas through the territory of Ukraine,” … Read more

UK is unlikely to strengthen sanctions against Nord Stream 2, they need to be applied carefully – ambassador to Ukraine

UK is unlikely to strengthen sanctions against Nord Stream 2, they need to be applied carefully – ambassador to Ukraine

“We wanted from the very beginning to abandon the development of Nord Stream 2, because we saw how easily it can be used as a weapon. However, I do not think that in the near future the UK will apply new sanctions against Nord Stream 2,” – said the British diplomat. According to her, “the … Read more

“There are no exceptions.” Kuleba told under what conditions “Nord Stream – 2” will not turn into “northern weapon”

“There are no exceptions.”  Kuleba told under what conditions “Nord Stream – 2” will not turn into “northern weapon”

Ukraine reported this position to its partners and they agree with it, the minister added. Nord Stream 2 should be completely subordinated not only to the spirit, but also to the letter of the Third Energy Package of the European Union … Only then will Nord Stream 2 not turn into a northern weapon, “Kuleba … Read more

Five Ukrainian cities may remain without gas after the launch of Nord Stream 2 – Ukrainian GTS Operator

Five Ukrainian cities may remain without gas after the launch of Nord Stream 2 – Ukrainian GTS Operator

“This gas pipeline poses a direct threat to the security of gas supplies to Ukraine. Each launch of the Gazprom gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine reduced the use of the Ukrainian GTS for transit. There is a significant risk that the launch of Nord Stream 2 will lead to similar consequences. As a result, five cities … Read more

The decision on the participation of the Ukrainian GTS Operator in the certification of Nord Stream 2 is expected next week – Makogon

The decision on the participation of the Ukrainian GTS Operator in the certification of Nord Stream 2 is expected next week – Makogon

ОГТСУ applied German energy regulator (Bundesnetzagentur) to participate in the certification of Nord Stream 2 AG on 20 October. Makogon noted that the Nord Stream 2 geopolitical project “destroys the European energy architecture, contradicts the principles of EU energy solidarity and threatens the security of gas supplies to Europe.” “Solution [об участии “Оператора ГТС Украины”] … Read more