“It’s scary”: Ouspenskaya reported the death of loved ones from the coronavirus

“It’s scary”: Ouspenskaya reported the death of loved ones from the coronavirus

“This is really serious, please don’t think it’s panic or divorce. It’s scary. Today I learned about the death of my loved ones abroad, about the illness of people with whom I had fun six months ago, walked, and today they are sick, “said Uspenskaya. – According to the singer, there are people whom she … Read more

Global Health warns of a second “deadly” wave of Corona this coming winter

Global Health warns of a second “deadly” wave of Corona this coming winter

Russia Today stated that the WHO office in Russia confirmed that estimating the level of deaths is a difficult task with regard to a large number of diseases, and that corona virus infection is not an exception in this case, proceeding: in order to make a final evaluation of the death rate due to the … Read more

“The mistake has a name – it’s called Putin”

“The mistake has a name – it’s called Putin”

Russia now has the most corona infections after the United States. Strict curfews apply. In the crisis, Kremlin chief Putin has to watch the numbers rise. Did he make mistakes? Rise in like no other country Russia the corona infections. The largest country in the world in terms of area with its approximately 144 million … Read more

Lie or effectiveness? The mystery of the low lethality of covid-19 in Russia

Lie or effectiveness? The mystery of the low lethality of covid-19 in Russia

Russian health authorities highlight the rapid commitment to covid-19 containment measures, but there are critical voices calling for transparency, as they believe that not everything is being said to the population. One of the cases that attracted attention was that of a woman reported to be infected, who was later attributed another cause of death. … Read more

Chancellor Angela Merkel on Russian espionage: “Outrageous!” – domestic politics

Chancellor Angela Merkel on Russian espionage: “Outrageous!” – domestic politics

Clear outrage about Russia! Chancellor Angela Merkel (65, CDU) is upset about a hacker attack on her personally. Her verdict: “Outrageous.” She made this clear on Wednesday afternoon during a question time in the Bundestag. There she also said: “I can honestly say: it hurts me”. MP Tabea Roessner (Greens) asked about the Russian hacker … Read more

On public services launched a service for processing payments for children

On public services launched a service for processing payments for children

MOSCOW, May 12 – RIA Novosti. A service has appeared on the website of the State Service for processing a lump sum payment for a child from three to 16 years in connection with a pandemic COVID-19RIA Novosti reported in Ministry of Communications.– On the eve of Vladimir Putin announced the end of the holiday … Read more

Corona numbers: Almost 1000 new people infected in Germany within 24 hours

Corona numbers: Almost 1000 new people infected in Germany within 24 hours

Dhe number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany rose by almost 1000 within a day, as data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases show on Tuesday morning. During the course of Monday, more were 933 Infected reported. The total number rose 170.508. The death toll increases by 116 within 24 hours 7533. … Read more

VAT tripled: Saudi Arabia gets the money from the weak

VAT tripled: Saudi Arabia gets the money from the weak

MThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wants to counter the twin crises of 2020 with harsh measures. However, the economic stewardship in turn threatens to destabilize the nation of 34 million inhabitants, which plays a key role in the international system not only economically but geopolitically. The country triples VAT and announces a clear cut in … Read more

Corona numbers: Reproduction number in Germany above critical value

Corona numbers: Almost 1000 new people infected in Germany within 24 hours

DAccording to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of reproductions has risen above the critical mark of 1, which means that no further conclusions can be drawn about the infection process in Germany. “It is still not possible to assess whether the trend of new infections, which has been falling over the past few … Read more

In the US, the scandalous declaration of war was explained by a “lack of knowledge”

In the US, the scandalous declaration of war was explained by a “lack of knowledge”

Former US military attaché to the Russian Federation, retired brigadier general Peter Zwak expressed his opinion on why the White House posted a scandalous declaration of victory over Nazism, in which the USSR was not mentioned. Zvak firmly believed that the absence of the USSR’s mention on Friday of the White House on Twitter about … Read more