Nusakambangan High Risk Prison for Ecstasy Producers in RS

Nusakambangan High Risk Prison for Ecstasy Producers in RS

Jakarta – Ami Utomo Putro alias AU (42) made an act ecstasy in the inpatient room of the hospital (RS) led to firm action by the authorities. Now drug convicts are thrown into the most tightly secured (high risk) prisons on the prison island. Nusakambangan. Inside the Super Maximum Security Prison, the Air Force was … Read more

Message for DKI After the Highest Positive Corona Market Trader in RI

Message for DKI After the Highest Positive Corona Market Trader in RI

Jakarta – The Indonesian Market Traders Association (Ikappi) revealed data that there were 768 market traders in Indonesia positively affected by the Corona virus, most in DKI Jakarta. DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is asked to be more open in prevention efforts COVID-19 in the market. From the data obtained detikcom, DKI Jakarta occupies the first … Read more

End of Police Information on Prohibition of Paralysis During Pandemic

End of Police Information on Prohibition of Paralysis During Pandemic

Jakarta – National Police Chief General Idham Azis officially revokes the Announcement Number MAK / 2 / III / 2020 which contains compliance with government policies in handling the spread Corona virus (COVID-19). Idham has now ordered his staff to support the new normal adaptation policy. The notice was previously published on March 19, 2020 … Read more