[Research Report Nuggets]Institution: The current positive situation is frequent, now seize the investment opportunities in the home appliance industry in 2023

The agency pointed out that from the perspective of passenger flow and consumption during the Spring Festival in my country, the domestic economy is expected to continue to recover; the overall valuation level of the capital market and foreign capital positions continue to rise before the Spring Festival. Under the current background of frequent positives, … Read more

In the video, a “Saudi robot” in the form of a woman makes the Al-Ekhbariya reporter laugh after asking her, “How old are you?”

In the video, a “Saudi robot” in the form of a woman makes the Al-Ekhbariya reporter laugh after asking her, “How old are you?”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video shown by Al-Ekhbariya channel documented the first meeting with a human “robot” that was made by Saudi hands. The “robot” was presented at the Leap 23 conference held in Riyadh, and the channel’s correspondent interviewed the robot, which was in the form of a woman. The robot interacted with the reporter, … Read more

This Robot Was Given the Ability to Melt to Escape

This Robot Was Given the Ability to Melt to Escape

Friday, January 27 2023 – 10:07 WIB LIVE Techno – Scientists have created robot a small ‘Terminator 2’ resembling that can melt and return to its original form on command, allowing it to easily escape confined spaces. To build such a robot, scientists embed microscopic chunks of magnetic neodymium, boron and iron into molten gallium … Read more

Russia Launches German Leopard 2 Tank Killer Combat Robot and US Abrams

Russia Launches German Leopard 2 Tank Killer Combat Robot and US Abrams

loading… The Marker robot made in Russia is capable of destroying main battle tanks made in Germany and the United States. Photo/Roscosmos MOSCOW – One attack from the Marker robot made in Russia will be able to hit main battle tanks made in Germany and the United States (US) which will be sent to Ukraine. … Read more

Using a trick taken from the Metal Gear Solid video games, the marines defeated the DARPA robot

Using a trick taken from the Metal Gear Solid video games, the marines defeated the DARPA robot

Human ingenuity has caught on to artificial intelligence. Undoubtedly, there is great potential in the use of robots and artificial intelligence for military purposes, it is no coincidence that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) under the Pentagon devotes significant resources to this kind of research. One of the agency’s robots, for example, was specifically … Read more

Like Spider-Man, this Marvel robot can nimbly crawl up tall buildings

Like Spider-Man, this Marvel robot can nimbly crawl up tall buildings

Loading… With magnetic adhesion technology on its four legs, the Marvel robot is capable of crawling up tall buildings at speeds of 0.5 to 0.7 meters per second. Photos/Blazetrends SEOUL – Robot This Marvel is able to move high creeping buildings with ease like a superhero character Spiderman . With magnetic adhesion technology on its … Read more

Chang’e 4 Explorer Mission, China aims to obtain important data on the Moon

Chang’e 4 Explorer Mission, China aims to obtain important data on the Moon

Loading… Mission Change 4 is a robotic spacecraft, part of the second phase of China’s lunar exploration program. Photo/CNSA/Space BEIJING – Mission Chang’e 4 is a robotic spaceship, part of the second phase Lunar Exploration Program in China . The Chang’e 4 lander carrying the Yutu 2 rover landed in Von Kármán crater in the … Read more

Perseverance prepares to send vital samples

Perseverance prepares to send vital samples

History 12/24/2022 19:20:24 (MENAFN– Al Bayan) NASA’s “Perseverance” has finally deposited its first sample of Martian rocks to return to Earth, according to the “Daily Mail”. The robot began its mission to find ancient biomarkers in the Red Planet’s mud on April 22 that could indicate the presence of alien life there. The rover roamed … Read more

At least 15 intimate images taken by robot vacuum cleaners have surfaced on social media

At least 15 intimate images taken by robot vacuum cleaners have surfaced on social media

The images, the paper notes, were not made by a person, but by developed versions of the iRobot Roomba J7 series robot vacuum cleaner. They were then sent to Scale AI, a startup that hires employees around the world to tag (called annotate) audio, photo and video data used to train the AI. MIT Technology … Read more

InSight robot died due to extreme weather conditions on Mars

InSight robot died due to extreme weather conditions on Mars

Loading… The InSight robot exploring Mars to search for life on the red planet. PHOTO/IST TEXAS – The era of robotic vehicles belonging to United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will end anytime due to extreme weather conditions in planet mars. As reported by The Guardian on Thursday (22/12/2022), the robotic vehicle known as … Read more