Ministry of Agriculture Scenario Involves Culling for Bird Flu in Pigs

Ministry of Agriculture Scenario Involves Culling for Bird Flu in Pigs

The scenario drawn up by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality includes a scenario involving culling if bird flu makes pigs sick. That is possible in theory. Only if it cannot be ruled out that several pigs have become infected with bird flu, should the entire pig population on an infected farm be … Read more

Rising Cases of Respiratory Infections in the Netherlands: Coronavirus, Flu, and Pneumonia

Rising Cases of Respiratory Infections in the Netherlands: Coronavirus, Flu, and Pneumonia

The number of people in the Netherlands with respiratory complaints continues to rise. In addition to the coronavirus and the rhinovirus, the number of people with the flu virus is increasing. The RIVM also still sees people with pneumonia. These are caused, among other things, by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Do you have respiratory complaints? … Read more

Record Flu Epidemic and Coronavirus Spread in Netherlands: RIVM Reports Increase in Respiratory Infections

Record Flu Epidemic and Coronavirus Spread in Netherlands: RIVM Reports Increase in Respiratory Infections

Dec 20, 2023 at 6:02 PM Update: 14 minutes ago The number of people with respiratory complaints in the Netherlands is increasing further, the RIVM reported on Wednesday. There has been a flu epidemic since last week. A record number of coronavirus particles have also been found in sewage water. For two weeks now, more … Read more

Student Mental Health Survey: Findings and Recommendations from RIVM and Trimbos Institute

Student Mental Health Survey: Findings and Recommendations from RIVM and Trimbos Institute

ANP NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 09:48 Even two years after corona, a significant number of students still suffer from anxiety or depression. This is evident from the new Monitor Mental health and substance use students in higher education. The RIVM and the Trimbos Institute conducted research among 32,000 students. A measurement was also taken in 2021, during … Read more

COVID-19 Updates: Increase in Virus Particles in Sewage Water and Hospital Admissions

COVID-19 Updates: Increase in Virus Particles in Sewage Water and Hospital Admissions

Photo: CC0 Pete Linforth via Pixabay In week 40 (October 2 – 8), the national average number of virus particles in the virus increased sewage water by 17% compared to the previous week. Last week, the share of participants with COVID-19-like complaints increased Infection radar (externe link)light, compared to the week before (from 4.1% to … Read more

Surge in COVID-19 Cases Due to Seasonal Factors and Low Virus Levels: Expert Insights from RIVM Epidemiologist Susan van den Hof

Surge in COVID-19 Cases Due to Seasonal Factors and Low Virus Levels: Expert Insights from RIVM Epidemiologist Susan van den Hof

The increase is not surprising at this time of year, explains Susan van den Hof, epidemiologist at RIVM. “People have been on holiday, to festivals, meet many others and then go back to school or work.” This makes the virus spread more easily. “So it’s not very unexpected.” Moreover, the number of coronavirus particles is … Read more

Rising Gonorrhea Infections in the Netherlands: Concerns and Solutions

Rising Gonorrhea Infections in the Netherlands: Concerns and Solutions

ANP Picture for illustration Marieke Schunselaar news editor Annabel van Gestel news editor Marieke Schunselaar news editor Annabel van Gestel news editor The number of STDs in the Netherlands continues to increase. It was already announced in June that more people tested positive for an STI in 2022 than a year earlier and that this … Read more