After being engaged for 5 months, the hot girl sold the ring only to find out that she “swipes her own card for half the fee” | International | CTWANT

After being engaged for 5 months, the hot girl sold the ring only to find out that she “swipes her own card for half the fee” | International | CTWANT

After splitting from her ex, Catherine discovers that half the cost of her engagement ring was charged to her card. (Picture / flip from the Mirror) Know people, know face, but not heart! Katherine Lemus, a Canadian woman, has been dating her boyfriend for nearly 10 years. Unexpectedly, within half a year of their engagement, … Read more

We’ll say goodbye to traffic… Watch the construction work on the new 26th of July Corridor from Sphinx Square

We’ll say goodbye to traffic… Watch the construction work on the new 26th of July Corridor from Sphinx Square

published Giza On his official YouTube page, a video of the work phases of the new July 26 corridor, the Ahmed Orabi connection in Sphinx Square and at the Arab League Street entrance, witnessing the pouring of the concrete foundations and the completion of the construction works of the axis. The new 26th of July … Read more