Roman Dicastery Rejects Complaints of Deacon Reinhold Glaser – Würzburg Diocese Dispute Update

Roman Dicastery Rejects Complaints of Deacon Reinhold Glaser – Würzburg Diocese Dispute Update

Würzburg/Rome. The dispute between Deacon Reinhold Glaser (Mömbris) and the Würzburg diocese has been making headlines for months and is putting a massive strain on pastoral care in the Kahlgrund pastoral area. The answer from Rome to the canonical disputes is now available. Accordingly, in a letter dated October 28, 2023, the Roman Dicastery for … Read more

Drunk Men Threaten Police with Toy Revolver – Würzburg Police Operation Story

Würzburg. Two drunk men caused a police operation on Sunday morning. They aimed a revolver at police officers from a residential building. As it later turned out, it was a toy revolver. AdUnit Mobile_Pos2 AdUnit Content_1 The police officers were on Valentin-Becker-Strasse around 9:50 a.m. when they noticed two men, aged 30 and 21, in … Read more

Semi-trailer truck loses 200 cases of beer on B19 in Würzburg: Traffic accident and clean-up details

Würzburg. A tractor-trailer lost around 200 crates of beer on the B19 in Würzburg on Thursday morning around 9:30 a.m. The police announced this on Friday. AdUnit Mobile_Pos2 AdUnit Content_1 Due to an unknown light-colored small car abruptly changing lanes, the beer truck had to brake sharply, causing it to go onto the right-hand curb … Read more