Named an unusual cause of dementia | CAPITAL on Onego

Named an unusual cause of dementia |  CAPITAL on Onego

News. Society 00:12, 05 March 2023 photo: TASS / Artyom Geodakyan The doctor explained what a simple daily action will help reduce the risk of dementia. Michael Moseley, a British doctor and host of television programs on biology and medicine, spoke on his Just One Thing podcast about a daily habit that helps against dementia. … Read more

Watch .. Ghandour sang in the arms of her husband, and the romance is tyrant-with pictures

Watch .. Ghandour sang in the arms of her husband, and the romance is tyrant-with pictures

You are now following the news about Shahid .. Ghina Ghandour in the arms of her husband, and the romance is tyrannical-with pictures, and we leave you now with the most important details Sanaa – Abdul Jalil Fares – The Lebanese influencer Ghina Ghandour lives in a continuous state of love with her fiancĂ© Joe, … Read more

As her mother gave birth to her.. Alia’s comfort is acting. This is a forbidden scene starring Ghada Abdel Razek and Amr Abdel Galil in the movie Al-Ins wa Al-Jinn.. What happened made the censorship intervene and delete this scene immediately

As her mother gave birth to her.. Alia’s comfort is acting. This is a forbidden scene starring Ghada Abdel Razek and Amr Abdel Galil in the movie Al-Ins wa Al-Jinn.. What happened made the censorship intervene and delete this scene immediately

Iman Al-Baji Iman El-Baji was born on December 14, 1996 in the city of Sousse. My nationality is Tunisian. She obtained a basic degree in English language, literature and civilization in 2019 from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in Sousse. I previously worked with a private Tunisian company in the field of translation, for … Read more

The Story of Russia’s February Revolution, The Peak of the People’s Resentment of the Empire

The Story of Russia’s February Revolution, The Peak of the People’s Resentment of the Empire

The February Revolution of 1917 that broke out in Russia. Photo/REUTERS JAKARTA – Russia is still in the world’s spotlight because it has not stopped invading Ukraine. The war between the two countries has been going on for a year and has not shown any signs of peace. Apart from the invasion of Ukraine, which … Read more

The screams and groans of the artist Yousra..The most violent and violent scene was leaked from Adel Imam’s hot movie, which caused Yousra’s bleeding and crying and the director’s anger..Watch the video before deletion

The screams and groans of the artist Yousra..The most violent and violent scene was leaked from Adel Imam’s hot movie, which caused Yousra’s bleeding and crying and the director’s anger..Watch the video before deletion

Beirut – Soraya Shaheen – Yousra, in her performance and spontaneity, rose to the throne of the most righteous of the great Egyptian actors and artists. All her films were with the heroes of Egyptian art and cinema, such as the artist Adel Emam, and perhaps she is more. Which she presents without objection, which … Read more

Watch.. Dalida Khalil comments on the earthquake incident..and this is what she wished for

Watch.. Dalida Khalil comments on the earthquake incident..and this is what she wished for

You are now following news about Shahid.. Dalida Khalil comments on the earthquake incident..and this is what she wished for, and we leave you now with the most important details Sana’a – Abdul Jalil Fares – Lebanese actress Dalida Khalil commented on the earthquake that struck Lebanon, with a magnitude of 4. 5 on the … Read more

“Wael Kfoury has the most beautiful voice, and these are my preparations for him, Pascal Machaalani and Nancy Ajram.”

“Wael Kfoury has the most beautiful voice, and these are my preparations for him, Pascal Machaalani and Nancy Ajram.”

You are now following the news about Shahid .. Private – Melhem Abu Shadeed: “Wael Kfoury has the most beautiful voice, and these are my preparations for him, Pascal Machaalani and Nancy Ajram.” We leave you now with the most important details Sana’a – Abdul Jalil Fares – Composer, music arranger, orchestra leader, creative and … Read more

Soros talked about the collapse of the “Russian Empire” and a revolution in China

Soros talked about the collapse of the “Russian Empire” and a revolution in China

If Russia is defeated in the war in Ukraine, it will lead to the collapse of the “Russian Empire”. This is predicted by American financier billionaire George Soros, quoted by Reuters. according to him such an outcome would be welcomed by the former Soviet republics. The February 24 invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces led … Read more

Watch.. Lamita Franjieh looks out of the swimming pool with her two sons..and this is how she looked in a bikini- in the video

Watch.. Lamita Franjieh looks out of the swimming pool with her two sons..and this is how she looked in a bikini- in the video

li”,”slideshow”:false,”controlNav”:false,”pausePlay”:true,”prevText”:” Previous“,”nextText”:” Next“,”playText”:” Play“,”pauseText”:” Pause“,”smoothHeight”:true”> 1/2 2/2 You are now following news about Shahid .. Lamita Franjieh looks out of the swimming pool with her two children.. and this is how she appeared in a bikini- in the video, and we leave you now with the most important details Sana’a – Abdul Jalil Fares – … Read more

Watch .. Ragheb Alama translates the meanings of love for those affected by the earthquake: “Everyone is hand in hand, and you are fine.”

Watch .. Ragheb Alama translates the meanings of love for those affected by the earthquake: “Everyone is hand in hand, and you are fine.”

You are now following the news about Shahid .. Ragheb Alama translating the meanings of love for those affected by the earthquake: “Everyone is hand in hand, and you are fine.” We leave you now with the most important details Sana’a – Abdul Jalil Fares – On Valentine’s Day, the Lebanese artist Ragheb Alama chose … Read more