15 Health Problems That Can Exacerbate Corona Virus Symptoms

15 Health Problems That Can Exacerbate Corona Virus Symptoms

KOMPAS.com – Symptoms of the disease Covid-19 or corona virus can vary greatly from person to person. Some people have no symptoms at all, while others become so ill that eventually they need a machine to breathe. Various health problems pre-existing conditions, also greatly affect the severity of a person infected with the corona virus. … Read more

Second epidemiological peak of the year arrives in Colombia – Health

Second epidemiological peak of the year arrives in Colombia – Health

The rainy season that runs through much of the country increases the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI), warn health authorities. And in this context, the so-called second respiratory peak of the year, which coincides with these conditions, would occur in Colombia from September to November, as has happened in previous years. These cyclical events … Read more

Surgical OR FFP2? – Release

Surgical OR FFP2? – Release

Whether it is “surgical” masks (photo on the left) or “respiratory protection” masks (photo on the right), they are not intended to be on your nose, unless you have a caregiver or a patient, and they are primarily intended for the entire chain of medical personnel, from surgeon to pharmacist. Surgical masks are the most … Read more

“Everyone is fully in hospitals”

“Everyone is fully in hospitals”

Eric d’Ortenzio is an epidemiologist at Inserm and coordinator of the Reacting network, a multidisciplinary consortium responsible for coordinating research in the face of health crises. For him, the coronavirus epidemic will last. Should France fear an Italian scenario facing the coronavirus? It is clear that we are heading towards a national epidemic and that … Read more

Will Covid-19 disappear with spring?

Will Covid-19 disappear with spring?

Question asked Hello, While there are now 178 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and four deaths in France, the country has entered stage 2 of the epidemic situation. In this context, you asked us if the virus has a chance of disappearing with rising temperatures. “Some respiratory viruses have a seasonality in France, finds with CheckNews … Read more

How to differentiate Covid-19 from a big flu?

How to differentiate Covid-19 from a big flu?

Question asked by Ben on 02/24/2020 Hello, Among your many questions about Covid-19, you asked us about the symptoms that distinguish the seasonal flu virus. The answer is simple, they are the same. Here’s what the World Health Organization (WHO) says on their site about the new coronavirus: “Symptoms are dependent on the virus, but … Read more