New study reveals successful treatment of rare human infection caused by Pasteurella multocida

New study reveals successful treatment of rare human infection caused by Pasteurella multocida

A recent study published in the Zoonoses journal sheds new light on Pasteurella multocida infections in humans. The Gram-negative, penicillin-sensitive coccobacillus is typically found in animals’ respiratory microbiota and can cause severe disease in humans, particularly those with cirrhosis or compromised immune systems. Although P. multocida infections are typically associated with animal bites, this study … Read more

Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for adults marks a turning point

Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine for adults marks a turning point

The candidate vaccine againstrespiratory syncytial virus (VRS)for people over 60 years of age that are being developed by different international groups for the pharmaceutical company GSK, and in which researchers from the Santiago Clinic participate, is called to be “a turning point for other vaccines and in the treatment of this disease in adults”. As … Read more

Epidemiologist: “Congestions from transport, kindergartens and schools favor the transmission of respiratory infections”

Epidemiologist: “Congestions from transport, kindergartens and schools favor the transmission of respiratory infections”

Specialists explain the return to the situation before the Covid-19 pandemic by the fact that people have stopped complying with preventive measures: wearing a mask, washing hands and maintaining social distance. Europa Liberă spoke with the epidemiologist Angela Paraschiv, head of the Epidemiology discipline at the “Nicolae Testemițanu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, about the … Read more