Tomorrow’s Cabinet Reshuffle Issue, Jokowi Reveals His Considerations

Tomorrow’s Cabinet Reshuffle Issue, Jokowi Reveals His Considerations

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi said there were two considerations for him toreshuffle minister in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. Jokowi conveyed this amid the issue of a cabinet reshuffle on Wednesday Pon, 1 February 2023. “The main thing is indeed performance, that there must also be a political side, but that’s not … Read more

Johnny G’s plate on the cabinet reshuffle: no sudden president

Johnny G’s plate on the cabinet reshuffle: no sudden president

Jakarta – NasDem Party Secretary General Johnny G Plate spoke of the insistence on evaluating the two bulging NasDem ministers when news of a cabinet reshuffle or reshuffle emerged. Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) stressed reshuffle authority of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). “The NasDem has since its inception built a coalition fighting for presidential … Read more

POI-P calls Jokowi’s meeting with FX Rudy unrelated to the “reshuffle” talk.

POI-P calls Jokowi’s meeting with FX Rudy unrelated to the “reshuffle” talk.

JAKARTA, – POI-P General Secretary (General Secretary) Hasto Kristiyanto said that the meeting between President Joko Widodo and PDI-P DPC Solo City Chairman, FX Hadi Rudyatmo was unrelated to the speech reshuffle Advanced Indonesian Cabinet. “For Pak Rudy is breath, and his soul is red, POI Perjuangan, so various political discussions also took place. … Read more

PDIP and NasDem warm up in the seats of the ministers of the Environment and Forestry in view of the reshuffle

PDIP and NasDem warm up in the seats of the ministers of the Environment and Forestry in view of the reshuffle

Jakarta – POI Perjuangan (PDIP extension) and NasDem hot on the seats of ministers when the problem government reshuffle reappear. The PDIP has requested that the performance of two NasDem ministers, Environment and Forestry Minister (LHK) Siti Nurbaya and Agriculture Minister (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo, be evaluated by President Jokowi. This started when the PDIP … Read more