Synthetic active substance inhibits coronaviruses in laboratory experiments

Synthetic active substance inhibits coronaviruses in laboratory experiments

/ Alexander Raths, – Gieen The synthetic molecule CR-31-B, which is similar to a substance found in mahogany, but is easier to produce, has been used in laboratory experiments in Antiviral Research (2020; doi: 10.1016 / j.antiviral.2020.104706) blocked, among other things, the multiplication of corona viruses in cell cultures. The agent is not suitable … Read more

Found without life an environmental activist dedicated to the protection of the monarch butterfly in Mexico | Society

Found without life an environmental activist dedicated to the protection of the monarch butterfly in Mexico | Society

The Mexican environmental activist, Homero Gómez González. Photo: Twitter | Video: EPV The prosecution of Michoacan state – located in western Mexico – has reported that he has located the body of Homero Gómez González, a recognized environmental activist dedicated to the protection of monarch butterflies, whose survival is threatened by the destruction of its … Read more

The United States is trying to develop a vaccine against the new Chinese coronavirus

The United States is trying to develop a vaccine against the new Chinese coronavirus

On the live coronavirus The United States is trying to develop a vaccine against the new Chinese coronavirus Epidemic. Researchers at the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) have launched the development of a vaccine against the new coronavirus that has appeared in China. Its development should take several months, announced a senior health official … Read more

scientists isolate strain of virus in search of vaccine!

scientists isolate strain of virus in search of vaccine!

Posted on Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 9:44 a.m. Through DPA — Chinese scientists said on Sunday they had successfully isolated the strain of the coronavirus that has caused dozens of deaths in central China. – – This is a crucial step in creating a vaccine, said Xu Wenbo, director of the Institute for Viral … Read more

Juliette Goormans has been missing since Friday: research is concentrated in the North Sea

Juliette Goormans has been missing since Friday: research is concentrated in the North Sea

The 14-year-old girl disappeared in Namur. – Thees searches to find Juliette Goormans, a 14-year-old girl from Namur disappeared this friday, are concentrated in the North Sea, indicated on Sunday the parquet floor of Namur. The girl would have been seen on the Belgian coast this Saturday. It is the fugue thesis which is therefore … Read more

Pesticides: the effectiveness of the protective equipment for farmers in question

Pesticides: the effectiveness of the protective equipment for farmers in question

Everyday, find the Green thread, the environment meeting of Release. Every Friday, an ecological question through the prism of research. Are farmers’ protective equipment effective? This is the question posed by a group of researchers from different disciplines. They propose a critical reading of scientific literature on the subject. “The effectiveness of personal protective equipment … Read more