In the Czech Republic, coronavirus is spreading the fastest in the EU

In the Czech Republic, coronavirus is spreading the fastest in the EU

The reproduction number, showing the rate of spread of covid-19, is currently the highest in the Czech Republic at least since the beginning of last October. To date, it has risen from Thursday’s 1.65 to 1.79. It follows from the press news Ministry of Health and Data at the web of the Ministry. The so-called … Read more

People agree with the exchange of Prymula for Blatný, the survey showed. Of the government politicians, they trust Hamáček the most, they do not trust Babiš

People agree with the exchange of Prymula for Blatný, the survey showed.  Of the government politicians, they trust Hamáček the most, they do not trust Babiš

Jan Blatný was relatively little known to the public when he came to the government, which is evident in another part of the survey. It was about trust in government policy. Only 35 percent of respondents said they trusted him, which was the least of all the ministers. At the same time, only 11 percent, … Read more

Secondary schools could be closed for longer than the planned 14 days, admitted Plaga – ČT24 – Czech Television

Secondary schools could be closed for longer than the planned 14 days, admitted Plaga – ČT24 – Czech Television

The planned government measures are to prevent the rapid spread of coronavirus infection, which the Czechia has been going through in recent weeks. Their specific form is not clear, but in the case of education, kindergartens and primary schools, including lower grammar schools, will be excluded from the strengthening of the regime – at least … Read more