“Seoul ranks 7th in the world for city competitiveness… The 1st place is London, England [日도시전략연구소]”- The economy of the herald

“Seoul ranks 7th in the world for city competitiveness… The 1st place is London, England [日도시전략연구소]”- The economy of the herald

7th out of 48 major world cities assessed1 London, UK, 2 New York, 3 Tokyo Japan The photo has nothing to do with the content of the article. [연합] [헤럴드경제=배두헌 기자] Seoul was ranked 7th among the world’s major cities in the competitiveness ranking of cities assessed by the Mori Memorial Foundation Urban Strategy Research … Read more

“‘Football Emperor’ Pele’s unusual love of Japanese cars… all his many sponsored favorite horses? [여車저車]”- The economy of the herald

“‘Football Emperor’ Pele’s unusual love of Japanese cars… all his many sponsored favorite horses? [여車저車]”- The economy of the herald

Car brands that loved PeleHonda·Volkswagen·Benz·BMW attract attention A photo of a Honda car commercial featuring Pele. [Etsy 경매 페이지 갈무리] [헤럴드경제=김성우 기자] “Football emperor Pele (35, real name Edsong Aranchis Dunacimentou) signed a three-year 135 million yen deal with Japanese automaker Honda (about 229.5 million won in Korean currency at the time).” (1976 newspaper article) … Read more