Home Sales in Pontevedra: Upward Trend Reactivating Real Estate Activity and Residential Developments

Home Sales in Pontevedra: Upward Trend Reactivating Real Estate Activity and Residential Developments

Home sales in the city have been registering for months an upward trend that has allowed to reactivate notably real estate activity and residential developments. According to the latest official data from the Ministry of Transport, the year 2023 has started with a total of 153 transactions between January and March, a volume that this … Read more

The Consell’s designed savings basket has the potential to achieve annual savings of up to €4,500.

The Consell’s designed savings basket has the potential to achieve annual savings of up to €4,500.

The savings basket for families created by the Consell with the aim of alleviating the effects of the rise in prices could reach reach 4,500 euros per year for a family of four with two children aged 2 and 6 and one individual income of 30,000 and 38,000 eurosas announced by the Director General of … Read more

Luxury rentals for one euro in Ibiza camouflaged on Facebook

Luxury rentals for one euro in Ibiza camouflaged on Facebook

“Only annual rental announcements. No other type of announcements are allowed (days, only winter, only teachers, vacations, etc.)”, asks in its main information the public Facebook group ‘Alquileres Ibiza’ to users who decide to be part of your community. The sale of homes is allowed, they continue in the introduction. The group created in the … Read more

In the video .. Disclosure of the average rents of apartments in the northern districts of Riyadh • Al Marsad newspaper

In the video .. Disclosure of the average rents of apartments in the northern districts of Riyadh • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Al-Ekhbariya channel has published a report revealing the average rents of apartments in northern Riyadh. According to the “report”, the average rents in Al-Sahafa neighborhood are 28 thousand riyals and the number of contracts is 2713. Al-Yasmeen neighborhood is 32 thousand riyals and the number of contracts is 3817, the Al-Narjis is 30 … Read more

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