Uploading a picture of the red and white Garuda, Raffi Ahmad opens his voice after being criticized by netizens

Uploading a picture of the red and white Garuda, Raffi Ahmad opens his voice after being criticized by netizens

Jakarta – Rafi Ahmad he finally opened his voice after being widely criticized by netizens for remaining silent on the issue of revising the provincial election law. After a long silence, he finally spoke. Through his personal Instagram account, the father of two children responded to the criticism that flooded his comment column. “Assalamualaikum wr … Read more

Confirmation of Regional Election Bill is postponed, What is the quorum limit for the DPR Plenary Meeting?

Confirmation of Regional Election Bill is postponed, What is the quorum limit for the DPR Plenary Meeting?

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Full meeting DPR RI to confirm Regional Election Bill which was controversial on Thursday (22/8) yesterday was postponed because it did not meet the quorum as it was present with only 89 members of the DPR. The Deputy Chairman of the DPR RI, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said that the legislators who … Read more

DPR will abide by MK’s decision if the Regional Election Bill is not ratified by August 27

DPR will abide by MK’s decision if the Regional Election Bill is not ratified by August 27

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Deputy Speaker of the DPR Sufmi Dasco Ahmad he said he would comply with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) If so Regional Election Bill which has not yet been confirmed before the registration of candidate pairs for the 2024 provincial elections on August 27-29. “Well, if the new law … Read more

Provincial Election Bill regulates age of provincial head candidates after Supreme Court decision, PDIP protests

Provincial Election Bill regulates age of provincial head candidates after Supreme Court decision, PDIP protests

Jakarta – Meeting DPR RI Baleg discussion Regional Election Bill considering the article regarding the age of regional head candidates. PDIP protesting the decision of the Baleg meeting which agreed that the age rules for regional head candidates would follow the decision of the High Court (MA). At the Baleg meeting, it was discussed whether … Read more