19 states already ‘plan’ reform for the transfer of GN to Sedena

19 states already ‘plan’ reform for the transfer of GN to Sedena

The majority of state congresses have already approved the reforms on the National Guard and the rights of indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples, so this Sunday the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies will formulate the declaration of constitutionality of both, so that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sends it to the Official Gazette of the … Read more

Libro Brexit and the Future of the European Union: The Case for Reform (en Inglés) De Fabbrini, Federico

Libro Brexit and the Future of the European Union: The Case for Reform (en Inglés) De Fabbrini, Federico

Reseña del libro “Brexit and the Future of the European Union: The Case for Reform (en Inglés)” Brexit represents a momentous event for the European Union, with important implications on the future of Europe. While most scholarly attention has focused on the Brexit process and its consequences for the United Kingdom, and UK-EU relations, Brexit … Read more

Judiciary and PJF workers analyze demands on salaries and benefits

Judiciary and PJF workers analyze demands on salaries and benefits

The Federal Judicial Council (CJF) and various organizations representing workers in the Judicial Branch began a working group to analyze demands that salaries and benefits not be reduced with the entry into force of the judicial reform. Patricia Aguayo, who has become the spokesperson for a group of workers, mainly attorneys, judicial officers, notification officers … Read more

Jufed workers demonstrate against the reform of the PJ

Jufed workers demonstrate against the reform of the PJ

A few hours before the Senate of the Republic discusses in Committees the bill approved by the Chamber of Deputies on the Constitutional Reform of the Judicial Branch, members of the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, as well as workers in this sector, students and … Read more

University students protest against PJ reform

University students protest against PJ reform

Students from various public and private universities marched together with people called by the Pink Tide to show their rejection of judicial reform. Both demonstrations decided to join together and march together from the Angel of Independence to the Senate of the Republic in repudiation of what they consider the loss of counterweights and autonomy … Read more

Inai needs to restructure, not disappear: Alcalá

Inai needs to restructure, not disappear: Alcalá

Mexico City. The president commissioner of the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), Adrián Alcalá Méndez, acknowledged on Wednesday that the organization requires restructuring, but in light of the legal reform that seeks to eliminate the institution, he said that its members will defend its existence. “It is … Read more

High-tech crime forces police reform to be rolled back

High-tech crime forces police reform to be rolled back

Serious criminals and the Belgian investigators who have to fight them have made a reverse move in the past ten years. While drug gangsters and arms dealers expanded their areas of action, the departments that were supposed to develop the ‘broad-screen vision’ disappeared from the Federal Judicial Police. The 2014 police reform, which was called … Read more

Chamber approves pension reform – Israel temporarily allows more aid in Gaza – Van Hool restart threatens not to save many jobs

Chamber approves pension reform – Israel temporarily allows more aid in Gaza – Van Hool restart threatens not to save many jobs

News of the day This overview will help you quickly catch up on today’s most important events. 1. Chamber approves pension reform The House has given the green light for the long-awaited pension reform of Pensions Minister Karine Lalieux (PS). This includes the reintroduction of the pension bonus. read more 2. Israel temporarily allows more … Read more

Education unions will demonstrate for five days and take action against reform plans

Education unions will demonstrate for five days and take action against reform plans

education The education unions ACOD Education, COC and VSOA Education are organizing five demonstrations in May, out of dissatisfaction with the report of the so-called ‘Committee of Wise Men’. To do this, they submit strike notices. On behalf of Flemish Minister of Education Ben Weyts (N-VA), the Committee of Wise Men, led by Dirk Van … Read more