Banten Beat – Makes you excited! NASA Mars Robot Says Goodbye Phrases Before ‘Death’

Banten Beat – Makes you excited!  NASA Mars Robot Says Goodbye Phrases Before ‘Death’ TECHNOLOGY — A robot from the US space agency NASA called InSight recently uploaded a tweet that was enough to attract the attention of netizens. InSight or short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations wrote its last message before the robot “died”. “I am low on energy so this may be the last photo … Read more

Bahraini Actress ‘Sheila Sabt’ Reveals Imaginary Dowry From Saudi Businessman – video

Bahraini Actress ‘Sheila Sabt’ Reveals Imaginary Dowry From Saudi Businessman – video

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Bahraini actress Sheila Sabt has revealed that she received an imaginary dowry from a Saudi businessman. Sabt said, during an interview with the program “Tariq Show”: “These are the days of (BBM). I got a picture of a check and I posted it, and the name on the check was written.” Sabt was … Read more

In the video, the brother of the murdered Omani girl breaks his silence and reveals the truth about the killing due to her refusal to marry the perpetrator

In the video, the brother of the murdered Omani girl breaks his silence and reveals the truth about the killing due to her refusal to marry the perpetrator

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nayef al-Maqrishi, the brother of young Omani woman, Ibtisam al-Maqrishi, who was stabbed to death last Sunday night, denied rumors that the reason for her killing was her refusal to marry the author. Nayef al-Maqrishi said in an interview with Omani radio station “Hala FM” on Tuesday that “one of the rumors that … Read more