Nothing for weak nerves! ()

Nothing for weak nerves! ()

Appearance is deceptive: See it at noon on the DAX       with a minus of around 0.1 percent after a relative       calm trading day, that shows when looking at the chart       exactly the opposite: at the start of trading, the DAX was only 1.2       Percent up, followed by price losses down to -1.9 percent       at the … Read more

The race to develop a vaccine ()

The race to develop a vaccine ()

London 27th March 2020:                       At least 30 companies and                       academic institutions, biotech startups and                       large pharmaceutical companies such as Johnson & Johnson and                       Sanofi on vaccines. Scientists have                       already examined the entire genome of the virus and                       found the proteins that made the infection                       cause. We believe that a number of                       Biotech companies, including Gilead … Read more

Gazprom decided to hit prices on competitors in Europe

Europe ends the season for taking gas from underground storage facilities and enters the spring with an unprecedented high level of reserves. As of March 24, the storage facilities were 55.5% full – this is the highest level in the entire history of observations. In other years, so much was at the beginning of the … Read more

Börse Express – VIRUS: Pandemic affects Covestro profit in the first quarter with 60 million euros

Börse Express – VIRUS: Pandemic affects Covestro profit in the first quarter with 60 million euros

LEVERKUSEN (dpa-AFX) – Die Corona-Krise hat auch den Kunststoffhersteller Covestro erwischt. Die Pandemie dürfte das Ergebnis vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (Ebitda) mit zirka 60 Millionen Euro direkt negativ belasten, teilte das Unternehmen am Freitag in Leverkusen mit. Die Auswirkungen für das komplette Geschäftsjahr 2020 seien gegenwärtig noch nicht abzusehen, hieß es weiter. Die Lieferfähigkeit … Read more

Börse Express – Fragrance and flavor manufacturer Symrise will grow in 2019 as expected

Börse Express – Fragrance and flavor manufacturer Symrise will grow in 2019 as expected

The fragrance and aroma manufacturer Symrise has its own in the past year Business growth and the acquisition of the US group ADF / IDF benefits. Revenue rose 8 percent in 2019 to 3.4 billion Euros, as the company announced on Tuesday in Frankfurt. Out own strength – i.e. without exchange rate effects and acquisitions … Read more

Börse Express – Higher goals after buying billions: Merck presents balance sheet

Börse Express – Fragrance and flavor manufacturer Symrise will grow in 2019 as expected

Merck has had a lot in the past year Money reorganized. The Darmstadt pharmaceutical and chemical company bought the US semiconductor supplier Versum for 5.8 billion euros and also strengthened with the material specialist Intermolecular. Merck CEO Stefan aims with both acquisitions Oschmann on business with the chip and electronics industry. Here he hopes for … Read more

Börse Express – Morphosys publishes shares for Incyte

Börse Express – Fragrance and flavor manufacturer Symrise will grow in 2019 as expected

PLANEGG (dpa-AFX) – Der MDax -Konzern Morphosys gibt 907 441 neue Aktien heraus, 2,8 Prozent des Grundkapitals. Die Papiere sollen an Incyte gehen, teilte Morphosys am Mittwochabend mit. Wie am Dienstag bekannt wurde, beteiligt Incyte sich mit 150 Millionen US-Dollar an Morphosys./fba/ajx ISIN DE0006632003 AXC0422 2020-03-04 / 22: 41 Copyright dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH. All rights … Read more

Börse Express – Morphosys: FDA gives priority to approval for tafasitamab

Börse Express – Morphosys: FDA gives priority to approval for tafasitamab

The drug researcher and Antibody specialist Morphosys comes with his Application for approval of its agent tafasitamab for the treatment of a certain form of lymphoma cancer in the United States. The US FDA has accepted Morphosy’s application and will tafasitamab in combination with the active ingredient lenalidomide the MDax group announced on Monday in … Read more

Börse Express – IPO: Sanofi pharmaceutical company plans new company including IPO

Börse Express – Fragrance and flavor manufacturer Symrise will grow in 2019 as expected

The pharmaceutical company Sanofi want a found a new company, the future active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacture and market them to third parties. The shared French corporation in Paris on Monday. The headquarters of the Daughter is said to be in France. In the new company, Sanofis will be trading and Development activities with a total … Read more

Börse Express – FOCUS SHARE: Dermapharm on record high after statements about acquisitions

Börse Express – FOCUS SHARE: Dermapharm on record high after statements about acquisitions

Dermapharm shares to have increased on Wednesday afternoon after an announced takeover and reached a record high. After the papers of the Drug manufacturer temporarily jumped up to 41.345 euros, they recently won 3.00 percent to 41.255 euros. That on skin and Allergy-specialized companies previously had on the purchase the Merck KgaA subsidiary Allergopharma. Dermapharm … Read more