Weather Forecast for May 18th: Rains and Dust Storms Across Mexico Amid Hurricane Season 2023

Weather Forecast for May 18th: Rains and Dust Storms Across Mexico Amid Hurricane Season 2023

the season of Hurricanes 2023 just started, so the National Metereological Service (SMN) released the weather forecast for this May 18, which foresees rains and dust storms in various states of the Republic. Beware of stomach illnesses caused by heat! What will cause the rains in the country? A low pressure in height over the … Read more

Weather Forecast for Mexico: Rain and Electrical Discharges Expected on May 11, 2023

Weather Forecast for Mexico: Rain and Electrical Discharges Expected on May 11, 2023

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) announced the forecast for the weather in Mexico for today May 11, 2023which provides for rain accompanied by electrical discharges. Cold front number 54 will interact with a dry line over northern Mexico, maintaining strong gusty winds and dust storms in that region, as well as showers and heavy occasional … Read more

“Nine Communities to Receive Rain Amid Drought Episode in Spain, with Lower Temperatures Expected”

“Nine Communities to Receive Rain Amid Drought Episode in Spain, with Lower Temperatures Expected”

Nine communities are the lucky ones that this Monday await the sight of rain in some part of their territory in the midst of the episode of drought that the country is experiencing. In cantabria they are not discarded light rain more likely in the northeast that will tend to subside after noon. In Basque … Read more

Ministry of Health distributes influenza vaccines in prioritized regions to protect vulnerable populations.

Ministry of Health distributes influenza vaccines in prioritized regions to protect vulnerable populations.

Vaccines are distributed in Cajamarca, Chota, Cutervo, Jaén, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Piura, Sullana, Tumbes, as well as in Lima and Callao. During April, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) will distribute the first batch of 700,000 influenza vaccines in health establishments in various prioritized regions to protect children under 5 years of age and adults over … Read more

“Storm Beatrice causes over 300 incidents in Galicia and widespread alerts in Northern Spain”

5 min. The strong wind and the rains in the borrasca Beatrice They have left more than 300 incidents in Galicia, diverted flights in Bilbao, at least two injured by falling trees in Pontevedra and Bizkaia, as well as a forest fire that is still active in the town of Balmaseda. The intense storm, the … Read more

New Rainy Situation in the Kingdom Revealed by Al-Hussaini, along with Determined Date and Areas Affected.

New Rainy Situation in the Kingdom Revealed by Al-Hussaini, along with Determined Date and Areas Affected.

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The researcher in weather and climate, Abdulaziz Al-Hussaini, revealed his forecasts for the weather during the next 24 hours. Al-Hussaini said, in a tweet via his Twitter account: A rainy situation is expected, which is the sixteenth rainy situation since the start of the rainy season for the year 1444 AH, beginning on … Read more

Why are women the most affected by natural disasters?

Why are women the most affected by natural disasters?

In the survey of the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), when asked about the affected by natural disastersthe most affected are women because they have low productivity jobs and because they do work at home, explained, on La Mula TV, the Head of Opinion Studies of the IEP, the sociologist Patricia Zárate Ardela. In the … Read more

Local governments can also declare a disaster emergency

Local governments can also declare a disaster emergency

Local governments also have the capacity to declare emergency zones in case of disasters, Pedro Ferradas, a sociologist specializing in risk management, pointed out on La Mula TV. In the ‘Al Filo’ program, Ferradas pointed out that there is little knowledge of local governments about the powers they have in cases of disasters, which is … Read more

Why doesn’t the government respond immediately to disasters like it does when there are protests?

Why doesn’t the government respond immediately to disasters like it does when there are protests?

When there are disaster situations such as those that are affecting the population due to Cyclone Yaku, the Peruvian government does not respond immediately as it does in cases of social protests, questioned, on La Mula TV, Luis Enrique Lozada, director of Radio cultivate. In the ‘Al Filo’ program, the journalist recalled that we have … Read more