After the MU vs Southampton match, this player was subject to a racist attack

After the MU vs Southampton match, this player was subject to a racist attack

Manchester – One of the players was the target of racist attacks after the game Manchester United vs Southampton. Who’s he? Launching ESPN, that player is Kyle Walker-Peters, Southampton defender. His club confirmed that the 25-year-old player had been the target of racist attacks on social media. In his statement, Southampton regretted that there had … Read more

Malcolm X’s family will sue the FBI, the New York police and the CIA for his murder

Malcolm X’s family will sue the FBI, the New York police and the CIA for his murder

The daughter of the black leader murdered Malcolm XIlyasah Shabazz, announced a lawsuit against the NYPD, FBI and CIAwhich according to her conspired in the shooting death of his fatherin 1965, an announcement he made to the Today marks the 58th anniversary of the murder shot by the activist. According to demandemployees and public agencies … Read more

The paramedics on the British course taught that she was a guilty white racist. When she spoke up, she was fired

The paramedics on the British course taught that she was a guilty white racist.  When she spoke up, she was fired

Thirty-four-year-old Amy Gallagher worked as a nurse at the Orpington Psychiatric Clinic on the outskirts of London. Last year she decided to further her qualifications and signed up for a psychotherapy course run by the National Health Service Foundation, the UK’s public health system. She completed the course at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust … Read more

California police kill a black man in a wheelchair after shooting him 10 times

California police kill a black man in a wheelchair after shooting him 10 times

American society is still shocked for the death of Tire Nichols, the man whom five police officers from Memphis (Tennessee) stopped for a traffic violation and dealt a fatal beating. However, now another event has occurred that has only increased the shock, the anger, the indignation: the police in Huntington Park (a city south of … Read more

Demonstrations on fraught Australian National Day

Demonstrations on fraught Australian National Day

ANP NOS News•today, 6:51 pm Mike Wijers correspondent Australia Mike Wijers correspondent Australia Demonstrations against the national holiday Australia Day have been held in several Australian cities today. Day of the invasion, day of survival, day of mourning: a few of the other names by which the day off is known in Australia. “We’ve always … Read more

Worship of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Worship of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity addresses a topic that is still mostly taboo in the Church: the division between Churches due to different ethnic origins. With a liturgy prepared by a joint commission of indigenous, white and international representatives from Central America, church congregations around the world invite you to a service … Read more

Pope Francis calls on Erdogan to “continue his efforts for peace”

Pope Francis calls on Erdogan to “continue his efforts for peace”

“Today I am forced to renew my appeal for the immediate cessation of this absurd conflict, the effects of which are being felt in entire regions, even outside Europe, due to its repercussions in the energy and food production sectors, especially in Africa and the Middle East ”he said, referring to the war in Ukraine.

New York City asks WHO to come up with another name for monkeypox, deemed stigmatizing: Liberation

New York City asks WHO to come up with another name for monkeypox, deemed stigmatizing: Liberation

The US city’s health commissioner is asking the World Health Organization to rename the disease, fearing the “devastating” effects on “already vulnerable” communities. Say no more “monkey pox” (“monkeypox” in OV). This is essentially what the city of New York is asking for, which on Tuesday 26 July asked the World Health Organization (WHO) to … Read more