First German microsatellite for quantum communication reaches space

First German microsatellite for quantum communication reaches space

By using quantum states, secret keys are generated that enable secure transmission and sending of data. At the moment, the range of a quantum channel is limited to around 100 kilometers due to transmission losses in fiber optic networks. In the future, this should also be possible worldwide with the help of satellites. This is … Read more

Quantum transmission under the streets of New York – a long-term experiment transmits entangled photons through the city’s fiber optic network for 15 days for the first time

Quantum transmission under the streets of New York – a long-term experiment transmits entangled photons through the city’s fiber optic network for 15 days for the first time

Quantum Post Underground: Quantum Broadcast has passed its first long-term test in New York City. For 15 days, applied photons were sent over a 34-kilometer long telecommunications line under the city – without intermediate calibration or other human assistance. With success: despite vibrations and other disruptive effects typical of cities, the quantum shift achieved a … Read more