At the Novatek construction site near Murmansk, 125 people fell ill with coronavirus per day

At the Novatek construction site near Murmansk, 125 people fell ill with coronavirus per day

Near Murmansk, in the village of Belokamenka, COVID-19 was found in 125 people per day. All of them are employees of Novatek contracting organizations, which are building a center for large-capacity offshore structures there. Earlier, another 81 workers got sick there. Thus, according to the information of the staff, there are now 206 infected in … Read more

1786 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in Russia per day

1786 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in Russia per day

The number of new cases of coronavirus infection in Russia per day increased by 1786. Such data leads COVID-19 operations headquarters. Thus, to date, already 11,917 Russians have revealed a previously unknown infection, cases of infection of which have been recorded in 82 regions of the country. At the same time, 795 patients managed to … Read more

doctors are trying to understand the causes of high mortality from COVID-19

doctors are trying to understand the causes of high mortality from COVID-19

The frightening speed with which the condition of people infected with coronavirus worsens, and completely sudden deaths shock even experienced doctors and nurses who do not yet understand how to stop such a sudden deterioration in the condition of patients. Patients “look good, feel good, and then … if you turn your back on them, … Read more

how COVID-19 turns body cells into viral factories

how COVID-19 turns body cells into viral factories

When the coronavirus attacks the body of its next victim, it turns the patient’s own cells into original factories for the production of new viruses. The process begins on the surface of the cell when the virus captures the protein, which usually helps regulate the patient’s blood pressure. The cell involuntarily lets the virus inside … Read more

What’s in the sock of a programmer

What’s in the sock of a programmer

For two months, the Leninsky District Court of Yekaterinburg sent to the pre-trial detention center an IT specialist Alexander Litreev, the founder of Vee Security Russia and the developer of the human rights application Red Button (allows you to notify friends and human rights activists of your detention). He is charged with the purchase of … Read more

Putin amended State Duma bill on free food in schools

Putin amended State Duma bill on free food in schools

Russian President Vladimir Putin amended the State Duma to a bill aimed at providing schoolchildren with hot meals, which was previously adopted in the first reading. As reported press office State Duma, Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin sent a document to the relevant Committee on Education and Science. In particular, the president proposed replacing the words about … Read more

Pompeo in Belarus: Putin’s vassal seeks proximity to the United States

Pompeo in Belarus: Putin’s vassal seeks proximity to the United States

VOn camera, Belarusian President Lukashenko says sentences like: Moscow is taking his country “right from behind”. It was important to protect Belarusian interests, the people and the state – whatever the cost. His country is waging “a war for energy”. Such sharp rhetoric towards the big brother Russia has never been heard from Minsk. To … Read more

Auschwitz liberation: five reasons against Putin’s interpretation of the World War

Auschwitz liberation: five reasons against Putin’s interpretation of the World War

KA doubt: It was Soviet soldiers, to be more precise, scouting troops of the 106th Corps of the First Ukrainian Front, who reached the Auschwitz main camp and the much larger Birkenau extermination camp at around 3 p.m. on January 27, 1945 at about the same time. 231 Red Army soldiers died in the last … Read more

In Rostov-on-Don, employees of the E Center secretly filmed an activist of Open Russia in her bedroom for 5 months

In Rostov-on-Don, employees of the E Center secretly filmed an activist of Open Russia in her bedroom for 5 months

Employees of the E Center in Rostov-on-Don for 5 months secretly filmed an Open Russia activist Anastasia Shevchenko in her bedroom. A hidden video camera was installed in Shevchenko’s apartment in September 2018 by a decision of the May Day court of the city. Shevchenko found out about this when she began to get acquainted … Read more