The Canadian Wildfires: How Smoke is Affecting US East Coast Cities

The Canadian Wildfires: How Smoke is Affecting US East Coast Cities

The smoke caused by the Canadian wildfires is increasingly restricting social life and the economy in major cities on the US east coast. For example, New York City’s public schools announced on Thursday that they would switch to distance learning on Friday. In Philadelphia, the city suspended garbage collection and street cleaning to protect workers … Read more

Rouaa Taibah Hotel Sold for 186 Million Riyals in Public Auction, Businessman Abdullah bin Ishaq Al-Misbahi the Buyer

Rouaa Taibah Hotel Sold for 186 Million Riyals in Public Auction, Businessman Abdullah bin Ishaq Al-Misbahi the Buyer

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip documented the sale of the “Rouaa Taibah” hotel in the central district of the city during a public auction, at an amount of 186 million riyals. The video showed a number of businessmen attending the auction, while a person embarrassed the hotel. Businessman Abdullah bin Ishaq Al-Misbahi bought the hotel … Read more

Reports of Tank Battles on the Border of Kharkiv and Belgorod Regions Spark Panic in Russia

Reports of Tank Battles on the Border of Kharkiv and Belgorod Regions Spark Panic in Russia

On the morning of June 1, Russian public pages are full of reports of some kind of battle involving tanks on the border of the Kharkiv and Belgorod regions in the Shebekino region. “Fights are taking place in which tanks are involved”, “saboteurs attacked the Shebekino checkpoint with the help of tanks. They are being … Read more

Celebrate National Organ Donation Day with #SomosDonantes: Promoting Donation and Transplants Throughout Argentina

Celebrate National Organ Donation Day with #SomosDonantes: Promoting Donation and Transplants Throughout Argentina

In commemoration of the National Organ Donation Day, this year the Ministry of Health of the Nation and the INCUCAI remember the importance of donating and will celebrate it under the motto #SomosDonantesas a symbol of an act that summons the community as a whole. During the day, testimonials from relatives of people who were … Read more

“Federation of Autonomous Trade of Andalusia Launches ‘Young Influence for Local Commerce’ Project with Imdeec’s Collaboration”

“Federation of Autonomous Trade of Andalusia Launches ‘Young Influence for Local Commerce’ Project with Imdeec’s Collaboration”

The Federation of Autonomous Trade of Andalusia (Facoan) has launched the project ‘Young Influence for local commerce’, in which the Municipal Institute of Economic Development and Employment of Córdoba (Imdeec), belonging to the Córdoba City Council, collaborates . The new proposal has as its main objective to put the city’s commerce in contact with microinfluencers … Read more

“British King Charles III and Queen Camilla Attend London Flower Show”

“British King Charles III and Queen Camilla Attend London Flower Show”

Updated 21:28 23. 5. 2023, 12:37 British King Charles III. and his wife, Queen Camilla, made a public appearance together two weeks after the coronation. They went to a flower show in London. Other members of the British royal family, including the wife of the heir to the British throne, Princess Kate, also came to … Read more

3.7 billion tenge allocated for the development of non-agricultural businesses in Mangistau

3.7 billion tenge allocated for the development of non-agricultural businesses in Mangistau

Photo by the Center for Public Communications According to the speaker, 1 billion 540 thousand tenge was allocated for the Agribusiness program, 796,940 tenge for the Agrarian Credit program, 850,000 tenge for the Isker project, and 815 million for the Youth Microcredit program. tenge. To date, 1.8 billion tenge of these funds have been disbursed. … Read more

“Big Brother Spain to Return to Telecinco with Celebrity Edition, Says “Algo Pasa TV””

“Big Brother Spain to Return to Telecinco with Celebrity Edition, Says “Algo Pasa TV””

Guadalix’s house will reopen its doors on the friendly chain. Telecinco will recover ‘Big Brother’, as as the specialized television account “Algo Pasa TV” assures. ‘Big Brother Spain’ is one of the most iconic television programs in the history of Spanish entertainment. Issued First released in 2000, the show has remained popular for more than … Read more

Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner denounces “scandalous” IMF loan contracted by Macri administration

Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner denounces “scandalous” IMF loan contracted by Macri administration

Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner released a video on her social networks on Thursday in which she insisted that the debt contracted with the IMF during the administration of Mauricio Macri as head of the Executive is “scandalous.” The post of the former president occurs hours after the General Audit of the Nation (AGN) … Read more

Young soldiers of the marine infantry brigade for the first time began firing from a combat machine

Young soldiers of the marine infantry brigade for the first time began firing from a combat machine

Photo by the Center for Public Communications More than 300 conscripts who arrived this spring for compulsory military service were sent to the Oymash training ground for the first live firing. The soldiers completed a course of theoretical training before practical exercises. There, the fighters studied the characteristics of firearms, the technique and features of … Read more