Rubato by Rudolf Sloboda: The Liberation of a Woman Following Her Husband’s Murder

Rubato by Rudolf Sloboda: The Liberation of a Woman Following Her Husband’s Murder

In the novel Rubato, we meet the main character Uršula, a woman punished for the murder of her husband. He returns to life in freedom. He enters into new sexual relationships, copes with jealousy, loneliness, searches for the meaning of life, searches for God. The brilliant narrative style introduces us to the rich thought world … Read more

“Spine-tingling Fun: Enjoy Five of Washington Irving’s Stories Blending Humor and Horror”

“Spine-tingling Fun: Enjoy Five of Washington Irving’s Stories Blending Humor and Horror”

Groom’s ghostTranslation: Hana ŽantovskáPrepared by: Marek PivovarRead by: Karel ČepekDirected by: Marek PivovarFilmed: 1993 The legend of the sleeping lye Translation: Vilém OpatrnýPrepared by: Dagmar JoklováPerformers: Pavla Pešatová and Stanislav ŠárskýDirected by: Věra PražákováFilmed: 1992 The Adventures of My UncleTranslation: Jaroslav NovákPrepared by: Dagmar JoklováPerformer: Miloslav ČížekDirector: Otakar PrajznerFilmed: 1995 Horrible groomTranslation: Vilém OpatrnýPrepared by: … Read more

Following the warning strike, buses and trains are predominantly operating as scheduled.

Following the warning strike, buses and trains are predominantly operating as scheduled.

Mainz (dpa / lrs) – After the nationwide warning strike, buses and trains in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland are mostly on schedule again. The regional and S-Bahn traffic is running without strike-related failures, Deutsche Bahn announced on its website on Tuesday morning. In long-distance traffic, however, individual trips were still canceled in the morning hours. The … Read more

Strike Impacts Local Transportation in Düsseldorf Airport Vicinity

Strike Impacts Local Transportation in Düsseldorf Airport Vicinity

ver.di: Increase the pressure again for the third round of negotiations “We want a solution in the third round of negotiations,” emphasizes Stephanie Peifer, Managing Director of the ver.di district of Düssel-Rhein-Wupper. “But the signals from the employers’ side so far show that they have not yet understood the seriousness of the situation!” Ver.di is … Read more

“Descending into the Depths of the Human Psyche: An Apocalyptic Tale by Nick Cave – And the Ass Beheld the Angel”

“Descending into the Depths of the Human Psyche: An Apocalyptic Tale by Nick Cave – And the Ass Beheld the Angel”

Monika Suchankovu00e1, Profimedia”,”brandHref”:””,”logoPosition”:”bottom-right”,”defaultIndex”:-1,”showPlaylist”:true,”playlist”:[{“title”:”1. du00edl: Nick Cave: A uzu0159ela oslice andu011bla”,”since”:”2023-03-15T17:04:22+01:00″,”part”:”1″,”duration”:1732,”availability”:”from”:”2023-03-20T23:01:00Z”,”to”:”2023-04-17T21:59:00Z”,”audioLinks”:[“linkType”:”ondemand”,”variant”:”dash”,”bitrate”:128,”url”:””,”linkType”:”ondemand”,”variant”:”hls”,”bitrate”:128,”url”:”″],”podcastLinks”:[“type”:”mujRozhlas”,”title”:”mujRozhlas”,”url”:”″],”meta”:”ga”:”contentId”:”10640904″,”contentCreator”:”vltava”,”contentAuthor”:”Petra Hynu010du00edkovu00e1″,”contentSerialName”:”b33e80c5-91a1-3c11-ab2a-e8b595b62156: Nick Cave: A uzu0159ela oslice andu011bla. Apokalypticku00fd pu0159u00edbu011bh, kteru00fd vu00e1s stu00e1hne au017e na dno lidsku00e9 duu0161e”,”contentSerialPart”:”1″,”contentSerialAllParts”:”10″,”contentName”:”Nick Cave: A uzu0159ela oslice andu011bla”,”contentNameShort”:”Nick Cave: A uzu0159ela oslice andu011bla”,”rapiEpisode”:”attributes”:”shortTitle”:”1. du00edl: Nick Cave: A uzu0159ela oslice andu011bla”,”mirroredShow”:”title”:”u010cetba s hvu011bzdiu010dkou”,”relationships”:”show”:”data”:”id”:”1e941700-d85a-358c-9862-1931899b1348″},{“title”:”2. du00edl: Nick Cave: A uzu0159ela oslice andu011bla”,”since”:”2023-03-15T17:04:22+01:00″,”part”:”2″,”duration”:1603,”availability”:”from”:”2023-03-21T23:01:00Z”,”to”:”2023-04-18T21:59:00Z”,”audioLinks”:[“linkType”:”ondemand”,”variant”:”dash”,”bitrate”:128,”url”:””,”linkType”:”ondemand”,”variant”:”hls”,”bitrate”:128,”url”:”″],”podcastLinks”:[“type”:”mujRozhlas”,”title”:”mujRozhlas”,”url”:”″],”meta”:”ga”:”contentId”:”10640907″,”contentCreator”:”vltava”,”contentAuthor”:”Petra Hynu010du00edkovu00e1″,”contentSerialName”:”b33e80c5-91a1-3c11-ab2a-e8b595b62156: Nick … Read more

The Storm featuring Luděk Munzar: A portrayal of August Strindberg

The Storm featuring Luděk Munzar: A portrayal of August Strindberg

Khalil Baalbaki, u010cesku00fd rozhlas”,”brandHref”:””,”logoPosition”:”bottom-right”,”defaultIndex”:0,”showPlaylist”:false,”playlist”:[{“title”:”August Strindberg: Bouu0159ka”,”since”:”2023-03-16T15:07:11+01:00″,”part”:1,”duration”:3532,”availability”:”from”:”2023-03-19T19:00:00Z”,”to”:”2023-04-15T21:59:00Z”,”audioLinks”:[“linkType”:”ondemand”,”variant”:”dash”,”bitrate”:128,”url”:””,”linkType”:”ondemand”,”variant”:”hls”,”bitrate”:128,”url”:”″],”podcastLinks”:[“type”:”mujRozhlas”,”title”:”mujRozhlas”,”url”:”″],”meta”:”ga”:”contentId”:”10642410″,”contentCreator”:”dvojka”,”contentAuthor”:”Tvu016fru010du00ed group Drama and Literature”,”contentName”:” August Strindberg: Bouu0159ka. Starring Ludu011bk Munzar”,”contentNameShort”:”August Strindberg: Bouu0159ka. Starring Ludu011bk Munzar”,”rapiEpisode”:”attributes “:”shortTitle”:”August Strindberg: Bouu0159ka”,”mirroredShow”:”title”:”The Sunday Game”,”relationships”:”show”:”data”: “id”:”0e65e92d-3eb9-329a-8b35-86d9b7e1ce76″}]}}”>

A meteor about fortune-telling squirrels, salt over gold, and drug testing

A meteor about fortune-telling squirrels, salt over gold, and drug testing

You can find all Meteor parts on the Dvojka website or in the mobile application mujRozhlas. How do squirrels know a good year? Squirrel, chicari red|Photo:Shutterstock The red chipmunk is a small squirrel living in the forests of North America. Her life span is about three years. It is therefore very important for her to … Read more

Verdi is calling for industrial action at almost all major airports on Friday

Verdi is calling for industrial action at almost all major airports on Friday

strike at the airport Verdi and the civil servants’ association are demanding 10.5 percent more money for the federal and local public services, but at least 500 euros. (Photo: IMAGO/ Berlin The Verdi union wants to strike the airports in Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Bremen, Dortmund and Hanover on Friday. A 24-hour warning strike is … Read more

Murder in the Záhoří hotel. About the tragic fate of a German radio engineer who enraged Hitler

Murder in the Záhoří hotel.  About the tragic fate of a German radio engineer who enraged Hitler

At the turn of 1934 and 1935, a German refugee, the excellent radio engineer Rudolf Formis, hid in a small hotel in Záhoří at the site of the present-day Slapské dam and broadcast regular anti-Nazi programs to his former homeland from a self-built radio station. In January 1935, he was tracked down and, on the … Read more

Officers Conduct Preventive Therapy for People at Risk of TB in Madiun City

Officers Conduct Preventive Therapy for People at Risk of TB in Madiun City

Efforts to suppress Tuberculosis (TB) cases in Madiun City continue to be increased. Efforts are not just treatment for TB patients. However, officers also take precautions against people at risk of TB. It appears officers are giving injections to patients. [sudarno/bhirawa] City of Madison, Bhirawa. Efforts to suppress Tuberculosis (TB) cases in Madiun City continue … Read more