How the time you exercise is key to lose weight

How the time you exercise is key to lose weight

Find time to do Exercise is often not easy. Our modern life is full of obligations and sometimes we are not able to take an hour to practice sports and slim down, if that is our intention. Research suggests that if you really want to get the most out of exercise, you must do it … Read more

François Asselineau accused of sexual harassment: “I tell him to stop, but that makes him laugh”

François Asselineau accused of sexual harassment: “I tell him to stop, but that makes him laugh”

After having shouted at the attempted coup and political machination, François Asselineau, confined to his country house in Nièvre, has locked himself in his usual convoluted legal explanations. The president of the People’s Republican Union (UPR), a party that advocates “Frexit”, is accused by a former collaborator of harassment and sexual assault. The 26-year-old plaintiff … Read more

Autopsies on COVID-19 deaths help treat severe cases of the disease

Autopsies on COVID-19 deaths help treat severe cases of the disease

Through the application of minimally invasive procedures, scientists from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FM-USP), in Brazil, are performing autopsies on the bodies of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who died at the Hospital de Clínicas de la institution. One of the objectives of this work is to quickly extract and … Read more

Corona crisis exacerbates other medical problems – health

Corona crisis exacerbates other medical problems – health

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 6500 children have already died from a virus. But it wasn’t the new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus that killed the children, but a well-known pathogen: the children fell victim to measles. Now measles and Covid-19 – apart from the fact that both are viral diseases – have nothing to do … Read more

Containment: the walls in the soul – Liberation

Containment: the walls in the soul – Liberation

A 17-year-old adolescent who expresses his fear of death for himself and his loved ones. A young woman whose employer abruptly terminated the trial period upon the announcement of confinement and who “Anxiety for the future”. Others who fear a collapse of the social and economic model or who feed existential questions (“Couldn’t we have … Read more

Edgar Morin: “Feel the community of destinies of all humanity more than ever”

Edgar Morin: “Feel the community of destinies of all humanity more than ever”

Confined, he says he felt “Psychically projected into permanent communication and communion” with the world to which he remains virtually connected. He who has always lived fully, whose century of existence is made up of perpetual displacement and political and intellectual commitments. Born in 1921, Edgar Morin, sociologist, philosopher, “Humanologist”, he says, world famous writer, … Read more

is there a risk of depression?

is there a risk of depression?

Since Tuesday March 17, the French are called to stay at home. “At least 15 days,” announced President Emmanuel Macron in his last speech the day before. Prohibition to travel except in an emergency, such as going shopping or going to the pharmacy. And this confinement should be extended, considers Public Health France. “I have … Read more

The importance of exercise as a therapeutic intervention in diabetes

The importance of exercise as a therapeutic intervention in diabetes

Today, despite the great advances that have taken place in the healthcare field, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) continues to be one of the most worrying indirect causes of mortality around the world. With the intention of addressing this global epidemic, physical exercise has been proposed by several international institutions as a first line of … Read more