Galician Elections 2022: New Leaders and Political Outlook for PP, PSOE, and BNG

Galician Elections 2022: New Leaders and Political Outlook for PP, PSOE, and BNG

and Ferrol. The challenge for the BNG will be to increase its presence in urban areas and consolidate its position as a viable alternative to the PP. // in Galicia to Mark New Political Cycle The upcoming elections in Galicia will not only determine the political landscape of the region but also serve as … Read more

Spain’s 2021 Election Controversies: Absentee Ballots, Vote-Buying, and More

Spain’s 2021 Election Controversies: Absentee Ballots, Vote-Buying, and More

The electoral campaign ended at midnight yesterday with the final acts of all the political formations. even though the wind blows tail to the Popular Partywhich is the favorite in most regions, there are several communities in which the PSOE could maintain control, such as Asturias or Castilla-La Mancha. The campaign has been marked by … Read more

“Political Map Upside Down: How PP Takes Majority in 27 Provincial Capitals in Municipal Elections”

“Political Map Upside Down: How PP Takes Majority in 27 Provincial Capitals in Municipal Elections”

The PP has also turned the political map of the provincial capitals upside down. The municipal elections have positioned the popular as the most voted force in 27 provincial capitals, and in 13 of them it has done so by an absolute majority. The PSOE has won in 13 provincial capitalsand only in one by … Read more

Municipal Elections in Spain 2023: PP Wins in 27 Provincial Capitals and PSOE in 13

Municipal Elections in Spain 2023: PP Wins in 27 Provincial Capitals and PSOE in 13

The PP has also turned the political map of the provincial capitals upside down. The municipal elections have positioned the popular as the most voted force in 27 provincial capitals, and in 13 of them it has done so by an absolute majority. The PSOE has won in 13 provincial capitalsand only in one by … Read more

Provisional Lists of Parties for Municipal Elections in Guadalajara: Falange, PACMA, and Numerous Independent Parties

Provisional Lists of Parties for Municipal Elections in Guadalajara: Falange, PACMA, and Numerous Independent Parties

Highlights: Falange presents itself in Marchamalo, PACMA in the capital, and there are numerous independent parties The elections will be on May 28. He Official Gazette of the Province publishes today the provisional lists of the parties that are presented to the municipal elections of 28 M. Some lists that show a large number of … Read more

PSOE Primaries for Municipal Elections 2023: Who are the Candidates?

PSOE Primaries for Municipal Elections 2023: Who are the Candidates?

The PSOE will hold primaries in October in a maximum of 13 municipalities, since in most cases there is only one candidate in the candidacies of the municipal elections of 2023Although it remains to be seen what will happen in those places that asked to delay the process for two months, such as the capital … Read more

“PSOE’s Protest Causes In-fight among Political Parties over Electoral Debate Arrangements”

“PSOE’s Protest Causes In-fight among Political Parties over Electoral Debate Arrangements”

He public entity IB3 has reversed in the agreed order and decided by lottery of the interventions and the location of the debate of regional candidates that must be held next Sunday. Yesterday, the candidates of the parties agreed with public television to hold a pure contest, but today the PSOE has presented a claim, … Read more

President Sanchez Announces New Line of Housing Guarantees for Young People and Families

President Sanchez Announces New Line of Housing Guarantees for Young People and Families

Pedro Sanchez announced this Sunday in Tenerife a “new commitment to citizens” in terms of housing. The President of the Government advanced a public line of guarantees to guarantee 20% of the mortgage loan (that part of the amount of the operation that the bank does not grant and that frustrates many operations) for those … Read more

the PP increases the pressure on the PSOE by requesting an investigation commission in Congress

the PP increases the pressure on the PSOE by requesting an investigation commission in Congress

The PP raises the pressure on the PSOE with its request that the Mediator case be investigated by Congress, which will force the Socialists to clarify with their vote if they are willing for a parliamentary commission to delve into the scope of the corruption plot of his former deputy Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo. Supported … Read more