PDIP Chairman Responds to Kaesang Parangep’s PSI T-Shirt Photo

PDIP Chairman Responds to Kaesang Parangep’s PSI T-Shirt Photo

Jakarta – Chairman of the DPP PDIP Mrs. Empress responding to the youngest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kaesang Parangepwho was photographed wearing a T-shirt PSI with the Ketum PSI Giring Ganesha. Puan admitted that she would ask if Kaesang was ready to join the PDIP. “Later I will ask Mas Kaesang, do you … Read more

PSI Depok Chairman Believes Kaesang Pangarep’s Win in Pilkada Will Make Locals Proud

PSI Depok Chairman Believes Kaesang Pangarep’s Win in Pilkada Will Make Locals Proud

Jakarta – Chairman of the DPP PSI Depok, Icuk Pramana, believes that President Joko Widodo’s youngest son (Jokowi), Kaesang Pangarep, winning in the next Pilkada in the ‘home’ people will be more proud of. He hopes that Jokowi and Kaesang’s older brother, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, will give their blessing. “We’ll see what it will be … Read more

“NasDem Raises Concerns Over Unhealthy Impact of Jokowism Idea Triggered by PSI”

“NasDem Raises Concerns Over Unhealthy Impact of Jokowism Idea Triggered by PSI”

Jakarta – Party NasDem evaluate ideas Jokowism which is triggered PSI could have an unhealthy impact on democracy. According to NasDem, there is no perfect leader. “That has an unhealthy impact on democracy. That nothing is perfect, that imperfection makes us always evaluate and improve. So every 5 years there is an election in the … Read more

“PSI Spokesperson Apologizes for Controversial Tweet on Toll Road Restaurant Prices”

“PSI Spokesperson Apologizes for Controversial Tweet on Toll Road Restaurant Prices”

CNN Indonesia Tuesday, 25 Apr 2023 14:10 WIB PSI spokesperson Sigit Widodo conveyed clarification and apology regarding the tweet about being charged a price while eating at the Cipali Toll rest area. (Twitter screenshot @sigitwid). Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Spokesperson for the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Sigit Widodo conveyed a clarification and apology regarding him … Read more

5 Facts about Romo Kevas, the West Java PSI administrator was beaten by a barbarian robber’s sickle

5 Facts about Romo Kevas, the West Java PSI administrator was beaten by a barbarian robber’s sickle

Jakarta – Management of the West Java Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI West Java) Kefas Hervin Devananda alias Romo Kevas became a victim of robbery in Gunungputri, Bogor. Romo Kevas was injured by a sickle. This incident occurred on Saturday (11/3/2023) in the morning. At that time, Father Kevas had just returned from Bekasi to Bogor, … Read more

NasDem Defends Anies Baswedan Regarding ‘Incredibly Stupid’, PSI Is Called Incompetent in Talking about Tanah Merah IMB

NasDem Defends Anies Baswedan Regarding ‘Incredibly Stupid’, PSI Is Called Incompetent in Talking about Tanah Merah IMB

Jakarta, tvOnenews.com – Member of DKI Jakarta DPRD from the NasDem Party faction Bestari Barus said that PSI was incompetent or did not have the power to discuss the IMB for the Tanah Merah area, an area near the Pertamina Plumpang Depot. The former chairman of the Jakarta DPRD NasDem faction said that PSI does … Read more

Running for President Ganjar, why did Grace Natalie apologize to Megawati?

Running for President Ganjar, why did Grace Natalie apologize to Megawati?

Sumatra Voice – Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Grace Natalie apologized to the Chairman of the PDI Perjuangan DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri for having nominated Ganjar Pranowo as President. This apology was conveyed by Grace Natalie after hearing Megawati’s speech insinuating that other parties carried cadres PDIP as … Read more

PSI apologizes to Megawati carrying Ganjar for presidential candidates: We are secular and naïve

PSI apologizes to Megawati carrying Ganjar for presidential candidates: We are secular and naïve

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — PSI Board of Trustees Vice President Grace Natalie apologizes to PDI Perjuangan General President Megawati Sukarnoputri for carrying the cadre of PDIP Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate (capres) from the PSI in Presidential elections 2024. Grace made this statement in response to political speeches by Megawati who implied that other … Read more