Sunak in Northern Ireland – agreement in the Brexit dispute closer

Sunak in Northern Ireland – agreement in the Brexit dispute closer

BELFAST The dispute over the “Northern Ireland Protocol” negotiated with Britain’s departure from the EU has been paralyzing the formation of a regional government in Belfast for months. The predominantly Protestant Unionists see the Brexit agreements as a threat to their ties to the kingdom and are blocking a new government. They want drastic changes. … Read more

Since January 30, it has been added as a reinforcement to the bivariate vaccine in Misiones

Since January 30, it has been added as a reinforcement to the bivariate vaccine in Misiones

January 27, 2023 – 12:21 pm Misiones will begin to apply the bivariate vaccine in Primary Care Centers and Hospitals starting this Monday, January 30, with the aim of continuing to advance the strategic COVID 19 vaccination plan in the province. This week the Ministry of Public Health received the first 25,920 bivariate doses that … Read more


Speaking to I lived the coast for Provincial Radioaffirmed that the phase 2 and 3 studies of the national vaccine “ARVAC Cecilia Grierson” (ARVAC CG) against the coronavirus “have not yet begun” but “have been authorized” by the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT). Within this framework, he explained that of the … Read more

What is Cadizfornia on Instagram?

What is Cadizfornia on Instagram?

Share content on Instagram It could mean the same thing as seeing who gives the most. As if it were a showcase, this famous social network stands out for its quality and the beauty of the photographs shared daily in the millions of user accounts. Make-up, clothes, beauty, curiosities, reflections, novelties, landscapes and above all, … Read more

EU extends Northern Ireland exemption for veterinary medicines

EU extends Northern Ireland exemption for veterinary medicines

BRUSSELS According to the Commission, the markets in these regions have in the past been supplied with medicines from or through Great Britain. After Brexit, concerns arose that Britain’s exit from the common internal market and related trade restrictions could lead to supply bottlenecks. Northern Ireland is affected because it is a British province and … Read more

Vaccination points without an appointment in the province of Cádiz

Vaccination points without an appointment in the province of Cádiz

The Andalusian Health Service will enable several vaccination points this week without appointment in 13 municipalities in the province of Cádizto be “more efficient” in those places that do not reach the average flu coverage figures, as well as continue to promote the Covid19 vaccine to those people who correspond to them. Specifically, there will … Read more

The AECT Duero-Douro will organize 5 free courses on viticulture in the…

The AECT Duero-Douro will organize 5 free courses on viticulture in the…

The AECT Duero-Douro as part of its latest training campaign will carry out five courses on viticulture in different municipalities of the province of Zamora. All with the aim of continuing to offer training to the population within one of the activities of the agricultural sector, such as viticulture, in the municipalities of the area. … Read more