Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Research Findings and ASGCT Presentation Highlights

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Research Findings and ASGCT Presentation Highlights

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle has released new research findings and other news related to cancer and infectious diseases. Experts from the center will be presenting at the upcoming American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) annual meeting on topics such as gene editing, cancer immunotherapy, and HIV cure research. Additionally, Fred Hutch … Read more

The prevention of prostate cancer can be aided by incorporating a variety of colorful vegetables into your diet.

The prevention of prostate cancer can be aided by incorporating a variety of colorful vegetables into your diet.

Rania Amer Thursday, March 16, 2023 02:00 AM Researchers from the University of South Australia revealed that men who regularly eat fruits andvegetables colored people were less likely to develop prostate cancer. Prostate cancer (PC) is preventable with a variety of diets rich in specific micronutrients, and men who undergo radiation therapy for this condition … Read more

Radboudumc develops scan to detect metastasis of prostate cancer earlier | Health

Radboudumc develops scan to detect metastasis of prostate cancer earlier |  Health

06 feb 2023 om 13:38 Radboud university medical center has developed a technique that doctors can use to detect metastases of prostate cancer in lymph nodes at an earlier stage. This is important, because the early detection of metastases is crucial for the prognosis and treatment of cancer. If prostate cancer spreads, it often spreads … Read more

Men’s diseases – 5 health problems that affect males and do not happen to women

Men’s diseases – 5 health problems that affect males and do not happen to women

Men suffer from a group of diseases, and it is impossible for women to be exposed to them, and the reason is due to the different components of the reproductive system on both sides. In the following lines, “The Consulto” reviews diseases that only affect men, according to the “Clevelandclinic” website, the British National Health … Read more

Benefits of spinach for men | the concerto

Benefits of spinach for men |  the concerto

Books – Muhammad Amin: Spinach is a vegetable that is beneficial for all people, but it is especially important for men’s health, because it contains nutrients that help improve their sexual performance. Also read: Benefits of eating spinach in winter – get to know them Benefits of spinach for sex In this regard, Dr. Bahaa … Read more

“Prostate cancer” is the fourth most common in Thai men, prompting people over 50 to scan for the disease. The first stage can be cured.

“Prostate cancer” is the fourth most common in Thai men, prompting people over 50 to scan for the disease.  The first stage can be cured.

Doctor Reveals ‘Prostate Cancer’ 4th Most Common Occurrence In Thai Men, 10 New Cases Per Day, 5 Deaths Per Day, Suggesting Age Over 50, PSA Test And Revealing Foods That Indicate Cancer to the prostate. If found in the early stages, it can be cured. From the case of “Nui Akarapong Wongintharak”, known as “Nui … Read more

Recognize the 4 early signs of prostate cancer, don’t ignore it

Recognize the 4 early signs of prostate cancer, don’t ignore it

Monday 19th December 2022 – 09:58am WIB LIVE lifestyle – Cancer is a chronic disease associated with uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth. Prostate cancer it is an invasive cancer prostate gland. Unfortunately, this type of cancer is common, affecting one in seven Menmaking it the second most common cancer among men worldwide. Scroll to see … Read more

5 diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency: pay attention to them

5 diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency: pay attention to them

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: Many people suffer from a lack of vitamin D in the body, which affects the body in general and causes certain diseases that often require immediate consultation by a specialist. In the following report, The Consulto looks at diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency, according to Everydayhealth. Diseases associated … Read more