Cheonggukjang: The Ultimate Guide to Menopausal Symptom Relief, Calcium Absorption, and Muscle Strengthening

Cheonggukjang: The Ultimate Guide to Menopausal Symptom Relief, Calcium Absorption, and Muscle Strengthening

Menopausal symptom relief, calcium absorption, muscle strengthening effect Entered 2024.02.08 19:36 Entered 2024.02.08 19:36 Modified 2024.02.08 17:47 Views 4,035 Polyglutamic acid is the main component of the sticky mucilage produced during the fermentation of Cheonggukjang, which helps the absorption of calcium and contributes to bone health. Isoflavones, which are good for relieving female menopausal symptoms, … Read more

King Charles III Cancer Treatment and Prostate Disorders: What You Need to Know

King Charles III Cancer Treatment and Prostate Disorders: What You Need to Know

AP/KIN CHEUNG King Charles III of England and Queen Camilla attend the Christmas service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, Norfolk, England, on December 25 2023. Monday (5/2/2024) evening London time or early Tuesday morning WIB, Buckingham Palace said the King Charles III had cancer. The world was recently shocked by the news that … Read more

Neurological Communication and Immune System Disruption by Cancer Cells: Groundbreaking Discoveries

Neurological Communication and Immune System Disruption by Cancer Cells: Groundbreaking Discoveries

It communicates using the human neural network as a stepping stone and even neutralizes the immune system. Entered 2024.02.03 19:00 Entered 2024.02.03 19:00 Modified 2024.02.04 09:00 Views 284 Cancer cells depend on human nerve cells for everything, from attracting blood vessels to eat and grow, from onset to spread. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]It has been revealed that … Read more

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

Enhance Your Health by Adding Cooked Tomatoes to Your Ramen: A Lycopene Boost

The health effects of lycopene increase when tomatoes are cooked. Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Views 2 Entered 2023.12.22 22:00 Modified 2023.12.22 16:12 Views 2 If you eat ramen with kimchi, you can exceed the recommended daily sodium intake with just one meal. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Ramen is really delicious. Even though we know that fried noodles and salty … Read more

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Treatment Options for Middle-Aged Chronic Fatigue Patients: Korean Menopause Society’s Fall Conference

Introduction of treatments for middle-aged chronic fatigue patients at the Korean Menopause Society Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Views 192 Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Modified 2023.12.13 17:07 Views 192 People who experience menopausal syndrome as they enter middle age feel chronic fatigue and their overall body function declines even though they do not have a specific disease. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]There … Read more

Early Signs and Prevention of Prostate Cancer for Men: Expert Advice

Early Signs and Prevention of Prostate Cancer for Men: Expert Advice

Marwa Mahmoud Elias wrote Thursday, December 14, 2023 04:00 PM Prostate cancer It is one of the most important and prominent types of cancer that affects men, and its complications and problems threaten many of them. Within the framework of the presidential initiative that the Ministry of Health announced the start of its second phase … Read more

Toxic Metals in Food Linked to Over 10,000 Cancer Cases in the United States Annually

Toxic Metals in Food Linked to Over 10,000 Cancer Cases in the United States Annually

Toxic metals found in food cause more than 10,000 cancers each year in the United States. Entered 2023.12.14 20:00 Views 17 Entered 2023.12.14 20:00 Modified 2023.12.14 15:27 Views 17 Foods containing the most toxic metals such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium were baby food, root vegetables such as beets, rice, and dark chocolate. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Foods … Read more

Hollywood Actor Ryan O’Neal Passes Away at 82

Hollywood Actor Ryan O’Neal Passes Away at 82

2023/12/09 12:02 American Hollywood actor Ryan O’Neal passed away at the age of 82. (Reuters) Guo Yanhui/Review Editor [Instant News/Comprehensive Report]American Hollywood actor Ryan O’Neal was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor in the 1970 movie “Love Story” and became a world-famous actor from a soap opera at that time. The actor was still … Read more

Legendary Hollywood Actor Ryan O’Neal Passes Away at 82

Hollywood Actor Ryan O’Neal Passes Away at 82

American Hollywood actor Ryan O’Neal passed away at the age of 82. (Reuters) 2023/12/09 12:02 Guo Yanhui/Review Editor [Instant News/Comprehensive Report]American Hollywood actor Ryan O’Neal was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor in the 1970 movie “Love Story” and became a world-famous actor from a soap opera at that time. The actor was still … Read more

The Health Benefits of Chinese Cabbage: Intestinal Health and Cancer Prevention

The Health Benefits of Chinese Cabbage: Intestinal Health and Cancer Prevention

Chinese cabbage, low in calories and rich in dietary fiber… Contributes to intestinal health and bowel movements Entered 2023.11.10 16:10 Views 281 Entered 2023.11.10 16:10 Modified 2023.11.10 16:33 Views 281 Cabbage is very low in calories and high in dietary fiber, so it helps clean the intestines. [사진=게티이미지] Many people eat Western-style foods such as … Read more