Megawati Visits Medina Post-Umrah Pilgrimage to Prophet Muhammad’s Grave

Megawati Visits Medina Post-Umrah Pilgrimage to Prophet Muhammad’s Grave

Presiden ke-5 Republik Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri, menjalani ibadah umrah bersama‍ keluarga di Makkah, Arab Saudi. Selain berdoa untuk pribadi dan keluarganya, Ketua⁣ Umum PDI Perjuangan ⁢(PDIP) ini juga⁣ memanjatkan doa khusus untuk bangsa dan negara ⁣Indonesia. Rangkaian ibadah umrah ⁤dimulai pada Selasa (11/2/2025)‌ pagi. Megawati Soekarnoputri tiba di Madinah setelah⁣ sebelumnya menunaikan ibadah umroh di … Read more

Iranian Rapper Executed for Alleged Insult to the Prophet Sparks Global Outrage

Iranian Rapper Executed for Alleged Insult to the Prophet Sparks Global Outrage

Iranian Rapper ‌Tatalo Sentenced to Death ‌for Insulting the ‌Prophet ⁣ In a dramatic ⁣turn ​of events,Iranian rapper and composer ‍Amir Tatalo‍ has been sentenced to death on charges of⁢ insulting the Prophet,according to a recent ruling⁢ by ‌the Supreme ⁣Court of Iran. The decision ⁤comes after the‍ Public Prosecution successfully appealed a ‍previous five-year … Read more