Sheinbaum, president-elect, receives certificate of majority

Sheinbaum, president-elect, receives certificate of majority

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) granted the certificate of majority to Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, with which she officially becomes the president-elect of Mexico and can take office on October 1 as the first woman to assume this position in the country, in addition to doing so with the highest … Read more

Sheinbaum recognizes women’s struggle in first speech as president-elect

Sheinbaum recognizes women’s struggle in first speech as president-elect

Mexico City. In her first speech as President-Elect of the United Mexican States, the first woman in history to achieve this highest position, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo recognized the struggle of these “heroines, both the visible ones and the millions of invisible women of generations and generations who have made it possible for us to achieve … Read more

Sheinbaum’s election a milestone of inclusion for North America: ambassador

Sheinbaum’s election a milestone of inclusion for North America: ambassador

Mexico City. The U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, said Thursday that the election of Claudia Sheinbaum as the first female president of Mexico marks “a milestone for North America and for building more inclusive and equitable societies around the world.” In a message posted by the diplomat on his social media to congratulate the … Read more