Commission: European degree without borders and for everyone – 2024-03-30 10:01:05

Commission: European degree without borders and for everyone
 – 2024-03-30 10:01:05

A European degree for all, without discrimination that breaks down the barriers of recognitions and bureaucracy, the European Commission has proposed. Universities will cooperate on a voluntary basis so that their graduates enter the labor market with a European degree that will be recognized outside the borders of each country without the requirement of a … Read more

Parliament: The bill for non-state HEIs is passed – Against Article 16 – 2024-03-13 23:46:57

Parliament: The bill for non-state HEIs is passed – Against Article 16
 – 2024-03-13 23:46:57

With the vote on the bill for non-state universities, the debate in the Plenary of the Parliament ends this evening. High tones prevailed in the debate between the government and opposition parties. The passing of the bill will take place by a roll-call vote initiated by SYRIZA and the KKE. In the preliminary vote, the … Read more

Parliament: The bill on non-state universities was passed with 159 votes – 2024-03-13 09:25:04

Parliament: The bill on non-state universities was passed with 159 votes
 – 2024-03-13 09:25:04

The government’s bill concerning the strengthening of public universities and the operation of non-state non-profit universities in the country was passed by 159 votes in the Parliament. “Greece aligns educationally with the rest of the planet” “After decades of discussion, this evening begins the great historical change” emphasized the Minister of Education, Kyriakos Pierrakakis during … Read more

What the debate in the Parliament showed: The political conflicts and the new fronts – 2024-03-13 04:39:03

What the debate in the Parliament showed: The political conflicts and the new fronts
 – 2024-03-13 04:39:03

In a climate of tensions, back and forths and ideological divisions, the Pierrakaki bill for non-state universities was passed with 159 votes (158 of the ND plus the positive vote of the independent X. Katsivardas), 129 against (SYRIZA, PASOK, KKE, Hellenic Solution, New Left) , Niki and Pleussi Eleftherias) and 11 present (10 from the … Read more

PASOK: Androulaki’s high tones, article 16, and the “genitorial orders” – 2024-03-12 23:31:37

PASOK: Androulaki’s high tones, article 16, and the “genitorial orders”
 – 2024-03-12 23:31:37

The reform for Education and non-state universities, for PASoK, started on Tuesday with the stormy, as it turned out, meeting of the Parliamentary Group and ended late on Friday night. A three-day consultation took place and through the parliamentary process, 159 MPs emerged who voted in favor. Number sufficient to pass and approve the bill. … Read more

Haritsi’s invitation for a motion of no confidence against the government – 2024-03-08 19:17:48

Haritsi’s invitation for a motion of no confidence against the government
 – 2024-03-08 19:17:48

The president of K.O. of the New Left, Alexis Haritsis shortly before the start of the session of the Plenary of the Parliament on non-state universities. In order to submit a motion of no confidence against the government, 50 signatures are required, of which the New Left has 11. So the 21 votes of the … Read more

Private universities – Parliament: Which parties filed an objection of unconstitutionality – 2024-03-07 20:40:26

Private universities – Parliament: Which parties filed an objection of unconstitutionality
 – 2024-03-07 20:40:26

Application unconstitutionality on the part concerning Legal Entities of University Education, the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group testified, at the beginning of the debate in the plenary session of the bill of the Ministry of Education, Religions and Sports entitled “Strengthening of the Public University – Framework for the operation of non-profit branches of foreign universities”. As … Read more

New Left: They hid with ridiculous excuses or silence – 2024-03-07 11:45:07

New Left: They hid with ridiculous excuses or silence
 – 2024-03-07 11:45:07

The attitude of the New Left was scathing about the way SYRIZA, PASOK, KKE and Plevsis Eleftherias handled the invitation of Alexis Haritsis for a joint motion of no confidence against the government on the occasion of the universities bill. According to the newly formed faction, the other three opposition parties to which the president … Read more

Androulakis: “I will not tolerate any rift in the Parliamentary Group” – 2024-03-07 07:35:29

Androulakis: “I will not tolerate any rift in the Parliamentary Group”
 – 2024-03-07 07:35:29

“I will not tolerate any rift in the Parliamentary Group” is the message sent by the president of PaSoK, Nikos Androulakis, speaking to Live News and asked about the scenario of party discipline regarding the bill for non-state universities. “When I said that I will not stand in the way, I said it long before … Read more

Non-state HEIs: SYRIZA calls for roll call voting – 2024-03-06 22:52:21

Non-state HEIs: SYRIZA calls for roll call voting
 – 2024-03-06 22:52:21

A request for a roll-call vote on the principle and on the articles concerning non-profit universities was submitted by the SYRIZA-PS deputies, with the first signatory being the president of the party’s parliamentary group, S. Famello. Specifically, in a letter to the Speaker of the Parliament, K. Tasoula, the MPs request “the roll-call vote, on … Read more