VIDEO: Government detects new forms of communication between prisoners between cells | News from El Salvador

VIDEO: Government detects new forms of communication between prisoners between cells | News from El Salvador

According to security authorities, ‘huilas’ have been found to no longer be the form of communication used by inmates. The image of two inmates holding, what appear to be rolled pieces of cloth, and making figures or symbols inside a cell, would be being analyzed by the authorities. Above all, after the director of Penal … Read more

First Coronavirus Case Detected Among Prisoners in the United States

First Coronavirus Case Detected Among Prisoners in the United States

Washington – An inmate in a federal prison in the city of NY tested positive in coronavirus, the first case among inmates of the federal prison system. The inmate, who is in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center, complained of chest pain Thursday, just days after his arrival at the facility., the Federal Bureau of Prisons … Read more

Interior Spokesperson: Mustafa Qassem received health care and insisted on a hunger strike

Interior Spokesperson: Mustafa Qassem received health care and insisted on a hunger strike

In response to the allegations made by some American circles about the death of Mustafa Qassem, who are dual nationals, regarding the detention of the aforementioned since 2013, and his exposure to a mock trial, and responsibility for the deterioration of his health, a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior stated that the aforementioned … Read more

Sources: Prisoner Mustafa Qassem was transferred to “Manial” before his death because of the high blood sugar level

Sources: Prisoner Mustafa Qassem was transferred to “Manial” before his death because of the high blood sugar level

Social media reported on the death of (an Egyptian citizen – who holds the nationality of a foreign country – Mustafa Qasim) in his prison due to his hunger strike. On examination, legal sources confirmed that he was deposited with “Tora Liman” to implement the judicial ruling issued against him in one of the cases, … Read more