“Wagner PMC Head Prigozhin Releases 40,000 Prisoners in Russia Leading to Crimes: Interview with Political Strategist”

Thanks to Prigozhin, about 40,000 prisoners were released from Russian prisons, some of whom returned to the Russian Federation and again engaged in crime. The head of the Wagner PMC, Prigozhin, in an interview with political strategist Dolgov, said that after serving in his group, they were released “under 40 thousand prisoners.” This is more … Read more

List of Total Operations and Detainees by Province in Spain (Almeria, Cadiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Málaga, Sevilla, Huesca, Teruel, Zaragoza, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Avila, Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid, Zamora, Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Toledo, Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona, Alicante, Castellón, Valencia, Badajoz, Caceres, A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, La Rioja, Ceuta, Melilla)

Select the provinceAlmeriaCadizCórdobaGranadaHuelvaJaenMálagaSevilla HuescaTeruelZaragoza Asturias Balearic Islands the palmsSanta Cruz of Tenerife Cantabria AvilaBurgosLeónPalenciaSalamancaSegoviaSoriaValladolidZamora AlbaceteReal cityCuencaGuadalajaraToledo BarcelonaGironaLleidaTarragona Alicante/AlicanteCastellón/CastellónValencia/Valencia badajozcaceres A CoruñaLugoOurensePontevedra Madrid Murcia Navarra Araba/AlavaBizkaiaGipuzkoa The Rioja CeutaMelilla Almeria (Andalusia) Total Operations Total Detainees Almeria (6) Huercal-Overa (1) Roquetas de Mar (1) The Ejido (2) Cadiz (Andalusia) Total Operations Total Detainees Algeciras (5) The Conception … Read more

28 Brazilian Cities Rocked by a Wave of Criminal Attacks | DW News | March 16, 2023

28 Brazilian Cities Rocked by a Wave of Criminal Attacks | DW News | March 16, 2023

Some 28 cities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in northeastern Brazil, registered a series of attacks orchestrated by a criminal group, with fires and shots against public offices, businesses and vehicles, authorities reported on Wednesday (03.15.2023). . The state government works with the hypothesis that the riots were planned from inside the … Read more

United States: wrongly convicted, a man becomes free after 18 years in prison

United States: wrongly convicted, a man becomes free after 18 years in prison

The wait was long. After 18 years in prison for a murder he did not commit, a 35-year-old New Yorker, Sheldon Thomas, was released from prison. It was in 2004 that this African-American was convicted of the murder of another 14-year-old at the timein Brooklyn. In a court hearing attended by ABC TV, the wrongfully … Read more

Watch.. The moment of receiving and celebrating the parents of female soldiers after their graduation from the Prisons Directorate

Watch.. The moment of receiving and celebrating the parents of female soldiers after their graduation from the Prisons Directorate

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip, published by the Ministry of Interior’s account on the TikTok website, documented the reception and celebration of the parents of female soldiers after their graduation from the General Directorate of Prisons to serve the nation. The video showed the families receiving their daughters with flowers and hugs, and some of … Read more

Ministry of the Interior | Interactive map of operations and detainees for jihadism in Spain since 2012

Select the provinceAlmeriaCadizCordobaGranadaHuelvaJaenRum raisinSeville HuescaTeruelZaragoza Asturias Balearic Islands the palmsHoly Cross of Tenerife cantabria ÁvilaBurgosLeonPalenciaSalamancaSegoviaSoriaValladolidZamora AlbaceteRoyal cityCuencaGuadalajaraToledo BarcelonaGironaShe giveTarragona Alicante/AlicanteCastellón/CastellónValencia/Valencia badajozcaceres A CoruñaLugoOurensePontevedra Madrid Murcia Navarre Arabic/AlavaBiscayGipuzkoa La Rioja CeutaMelilla Almeria (Andalusia) Total operations Total inmates Almería (6) Huercal-Overa (1) Rocks of the Sea (1) Cadiz (Andalusia) Total operations Total inmates Algeria (4) The line … Read more

The president of Turkey has chosen a rival – Kommersant newspaper n. 234 (7435) of 12/16/2022

The president of Turkey has chosen a rival – Kommersant newspaper n.  234 (7435) of 12/16/2022

Preparations for the elections in Turkey, scheduled for June 2023, have started ahead of schedule. A demonstration was held in Istanbul on Thursday in support of the mayor of the city, Ekrem Imamoglu, sentenced the day before to two years and seven months in prison. The court’s verdict also includes a five-year ban from political … Read more