Colin Ellis in BIMA: The keys to upgrading Greece – 2024-04-24 19:27:47

Colin Ellis in BIMA: The keys to upgrading Greece
 – 2024-04-24 19:27:47

As long as Greece continues its economic policies and commitment to fiscal consolidation, while successfully implementing the remaining reforms, there could possibly be an upgrade from Moody’s, he estimates in his interview with “Step” The Colin Ellisits Global Credit Strategist Moody’s Investor Service. According to the credit strategist, a higher rating could be supported by … Read more

Charles Dallara: A gloomy October night in Brussels – 2024-04-23 06:03:08

Charles Dallara: A gloomy October night in Brussels
 – 2024-04-23 06:03:08

As much as Greece wants to forget the dystopian times of the recent crisis, the foreign protagonists of that time regularly bring back those dramatic moments, with mostly autobiographical narratives. The door to the time capsule is opened this time by the former head of the International Financial Institute IIF, Charles Dallara. With the book … Read more

The fire protection measures set fire to the building owners – 2024-04-23 02:53:14

The fire protection measures set fire to the building owners
 – 2024-04-23 02:53:14

Disputes between property owners, municipal authorities and the Ministries of Environment and Climate Crisis continue well. At the heart of this is the obligation of owners to firstly implement the Fire Protection Regulations if their properties are in or near woodland, and secondly to clear and maintain undeveloped plots of land they own within the … Read more

Is bird flu “flying” towards a pandemic? – 2024-04-22 18:23:11

Is bird flu “flying” towards a pandemic?
 – 2024-04-22 18:23:11

Bird flu “flies, flies” (to be precise, wild birds which are also the “source of viral evil”) to many countries and infects in its passage a multitude of other species in recent years: from poultry to cats, foxes, seals, sea lions, mink and now goats and cows. But humans are also on the list of … Read more

Accuracy: Crash test on supermarket shelves – How 50 euros became 37 euros – 2024-04-19 17:21:34

Accuracy: Crash test on supermarket shelves – How 50 euros became 37 euros
 – 2024-04-19 17:21:34

The time when 50 euros offered a sense of security to consumers when they reached the checkout of the supermarket seems very distant now. After two years of merciless precision, 50 euros have become a little less than 37 euros and now the basket is only 2/3 fullcreating stress and insecurity not only in the … Read more

Modi bets (again) on the card of nationalism – 2024-04-19 09:18:19

Modi bets (again) on the card of nationalism
 – 2024-04-19 09:18:19

«Athey grew up with golden spoons, I grew up selling tea on train platforms” said o Narendra Modi in the 2014 elections, denouncing the nepotism and corruption of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty that ruled India for decades. Coming from a humble family and from the bowels of Hindu nationalism, Modi defeated his opponents in two … Read more

Wiretapping: Why the Androulakis “debriefing” will remain on paper – 2024-04-19 01:30:16

Wiretapping: Why the Androulakis “debriefing” will remain on paper
 – 2024-04-19 01:30:16

«The president of PaSoK, Nikos Androulakis, although whenever the procedures for informing him are completed by ADAE, after the recent decision of the Council of Ministers, he will not receive a copy of his conversations that were intercepted in 2021 by EYP. And that’s because they have been destroyed, due to a change in the … Read more

The (sea) roads of Flame – 2024-04-18 21:29:24

The (sea) roads of Flame
 – 2024-04-18 21:29:24

The French plan to transfer the Olympic Flame from Greece to France sounded really impressive: The transfer is to be carried out by sea on their most emblematic three-masted sailing ship, the “Belem”. Today, however, they are the same ones who see the project as a big risk. The ship will have to cross the … Read more

“Protect shipping, the constant that unites the planet” – 2024-04-17 04:00:54

“Protect shipping, the constant that unites the planet”
 – 2024-04-17 04:00:54

Greek shipping, the global success story, will be a fellow traveler for the common good, emphasized the President of the Union of Greek Shipowners, Melina Travlou, during the opening event of the 9th Delphi Economic Forum. He also issued a public invitation to the leaders of all countries and the global community to proceed with … Read more

When Stefanos Kasselakis “empties”… SYRIZA – 2024-04-16 21:25:50

When Stefanos Kasselakis “empties”… SYRIZA
 – 2024-04-16 21:25:50

SYRIZA domestic and SYRIZA foreign is often reminded by the official opposition with its positions Stefanou Kasselakis which cause a lot of debate about the party’s positions. Since the day of his election, and especially in the last two months, the president of SYRIZA-PS expresses opinions and positions that surprise many officials and parliamentarians, despite … Read more