13 private Greek islands seek investors – The “thorns” – 2024-05-06 14:07:33

13 private Greek islands seek investors – The “thorns”
 – 2024-05-06 14:07:33

The hopes of the 150 island owners across Greece, which are estimated to be for sale or willing to be sold, have been boosted when demand for usable land to develop new super luxury hotel units has soared in recent years. It is no coincidence that on the official website of the international brokerage company … Read more

“The first thing I caught and didn’t destroy” – 2024-05-06 04:21:12

“The first thing I caught and didn’t destroy”
 – 2024-05-06 04:21:12

H.L. at 15 he broke the law and without realizing it he found himself in the dock, facing the consequences of his act. The sentence imposed on him was 50 hours of community service, translated into providing gardening services to the Municipality of Kalamata. After some time, having already served his sentence and seeing one … Read more

The scenarios of geopolitical instability – THE STEP – 2024-05-04 13:00:00

The scenarios of geopolitical instability – THE STEP
 – 2024-05-04 13:00:00

The current geopolitical conditions of great tension and progressive instability, combined with the fragile political environment in America and Europe, are causing multiple problems for the international and domestic financial community. Especially in the circles of globally active businessmen, the scenarios of dynamic rearrangements in the international political scene abound at this time, mainly due … Read more

ND: Unfair competitions for a seat in the European Parliament – 2024-05-03 07:13:54

ND: Unfair competitions for a seat in the European Parliament
 – 2024-05-03 07:13:54

The intra-party “civil wars of the cross” between the parties’ MEP candidates is one of the parameters of particular importance for the day after the June 9 elections. The choices of Kyriakos Mitsotakis have up to a point clear characteristics and reveal his political aspirations. However, in the background, individual battles of the candidates are … Read more

Where does Androulakis set the limit of electoral success? – 2024-05-02 21:20:17

Where does Androulakis set the limit of electoral success?
 – 2024-05-02 21:20:17

In the interview he gave last week to “Vima” o Nikos Androulakis he declared sure that the day after the elections “PaSoK will be on the winning side”. The certainty automatically raised a question as to the threshold of electoral success. Where do they count from in Harilaou Trikoupi? From 7.72% of the 2019 European … Read more

Banks: The 15 years that changed everything in banking branches – 2024-05-02 21:17:06

Banks: The 15 years that changed everything in banking branches
 – 2024-05-02 21:17:06

Not many years have passed since the period when stores were the main growth driver of banks. It was the late 2000s, when their network had reached an all-time high of 4,000 units. In almost every neighborhood the banking groups were competing for who would secure the best possible position. Large spaces, with showcases of … Read more

SYRIZA: How Kasselakis will manage the result of the European elections – 2024-05-02 06:23:52

SYRIZA: How Kasselakis will manage the result of the European elections
 – 2024-05-02 06:23:52

It was at the beginning of the week when Stefanos Kasselakis accused the New Left of grist to the ND mill. Then came the statement of the president of SYRIZA on the costs of Health which “must be at least 5%”another scathing announcement (“Mr. Kasselakis proposes a reduction” they said) and another unfriendly stab by … Read more

The Greek fleet next to the flood victims – 2024-05-01 05:45:58

The Greek fleet next to the flood victims
 – 2024-05-01 05:45:58

The Union of Greek Shipowners once again immediately responded to the call of the homeland to contribute to dealing with emergency situations, such as last year’s disasters in Thessaly and Central Greece. Faithful to the commitment of “Shipping and Society always together”, the Greek shipping industry, following the invitation of the Prime Minister, collected over … Read more

Real estate: How real estate fuels accuracy – 2024-05-01 03:31:14

Real estate: How real estate fuels accuracy
 – 2024-05-01 03:31:14

Real estate is developing into an unexpected factor that could jeopardize the narrative of a sharp slowdown in appreciation in the near future, as the continued rise in rents destabilizes operating costs. Over the past 18 months, several store owners have been asking for raises of up to 300%, say retail business owners and executives, … Read more

Why did second-hand clothes become fashionable? – 2024-04-27 22:52:09

Why did second-hand clothes become fashionable?
 – 2024-04-27 22:52:09

With sustainability as a compass as well as the search for quality products, consumers are turning more and more to the emerging market of “second-hand” clothing. The increased demand for so-called “second hand” clothes, which has been an international trend in recent years, in our country is reflected in ELSTAT data. According to them, in … Read more