Will be a devastating blow to Palestine If Trump Wins, the Prime Minister says his country could get worse and more isolated: Help us, God .. – All pages

Will be a devastating blow to Palestine If Trump Wins, the Prime Minister says his country could get worse and more isolated: Help us, God .. – All pages

Gridhot.ID – Presidential election United States of America almost entering its peak time. The two presidential candidates who competed namely Donald Trump and Joe Biden mutually looking for the masses to support their votes. However, in the meantime, the candidates who are still considered superior are Donald Trump. Also Read: Slam the tablet in front … Read more

Nadia El-Gendy: I ​​went to the prime minister to screen the movie “Five Door” … and he decided to dismiss the Minister of Culture at the time

Nadia El-Gendy: I ​​went to the prime minister to screen the movie “Five Door” … and he decided to dismiss the Minister of Culture at the time

For suggestions of places to go out – – Actress Nadia El-Gendy revealed the details of the crisis that occurred during the screening period of the film “Five Bab” starring Adel Imam and directed by Nader Jalal, as there was a plot to remove the film from cinemas six days after its release. “Al-Jundi” said … Read more

Profile of Yoshihide Suga, Candidate for Prime Minister of Japan Page all

Profile of Yoshihide Suga, Candidate for Prime Minister of Japan Page all

KOMPAS.com – Yoshihide Suga has won the election of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the ruling party in Japan on Monday (14/9/2020). With this victory, Suga has a great chance of becoming Prime Minister (PM) Japan, replaces Shinzo Abe who resigned because of health problems. Suga managed to get 377 votes or … Read more

Late payment of the PCU due to additional checks

Late payment of the PCU due to additional checks

The delays in payment of the Canada Emergency Benefit (CEP) are said to be due to additional audits by the CRA. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) said Thursday that the payments would be made on time, that is, between three and five days. Some providers may wait a little longer, however, as the CRA does … Read more

Yulia Tymoshenko seriously ill by covid-19

Yulia Tymoshenko seriously ill by covid-19

The spokesperson will not say whether the 59-year-old has been hospitalized or provide further details about Tymoshenko’s condition, according to Reuters. Tymoshenko, who has twice served as Prime Minister of Ukraine and is a candidate in several presidential elections, is the first top politician in the country to be confirmed to be infected with the … Read more

Cape Verdean businessman denies meeting with Maduro on Saab case

Cape Verdean businessman denies meeting with Maduro on Saab case

The businessman Fernando Gil Évora has denied having met with the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, as an emissary from Cape Verde to discuss the arrest in the African country of the Colombian Álex Saab, accused of being a front man for the Latin American president. In a statement issued, Gil Évora alluded to a … Read more

Second wave of the pandemic increases fear in the world

Second wave of the pandemic increases fear in the world

Closing of beaches and nightclubs, mandatory masks, prohibition of mass gatherings: Restrictions tighten in several countries as fears grow of a second wave of the pandemic of Covid-19 and cases increase in Europe and Asia to levels of the first outbreak. The figures do not stop growing. Since it appeared in China in December, the … Read more

Annexation in the West Bank: Netanyahu stalls

Annexation in the West Bank: Netanyahu stalls

Former chief of staff, Gabi Ashkénazi is used to rough mornings. But the head of Israeli diplomacy will remember this curious exchange on the air of Israeli military radio in this 1is July, a deadline trumpeted for weeks by Benjamin Netanyahu as marking the beginning of the process of partial annexation of the occupied West … Read more

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Comes Into Force Tomorrow

Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement Comes Into Force Tomorrow

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), signed in November 2018, will come into force tomorrow rather than August as originally planned. • Read also: The CUMA will come into effect on July 1 • Read also: MPs Adopt New North American Trade Agreement The value of trade between the three countries amounts to 1100 billion US … Read more

“If the minister pulled the minister’s ears, he would certainly be right”: Marta Feared about Costa’s ‘irritation’ – Society

“If the minister pulled the minister’s ears, he would certainly be right”: Marta Feared about Costa’s ‘irritation’ – Society

“If the minister pulled the minister’s ears, he would certainly be right.” This was Marta Temido’s “humorous” response to the discussion between herself and António Costa, at the meeting with epidemiologists at Infarmed. “What is important to underline is that we have to concentrate and the country has made an extraordinary effort. At this stage, … Read more