We will see a big increase in prices next year. What do we pay extra for? OVERVIEW

According to economists, Czechs saved four times more during the pandemic than twenty years ago. But some of these savings will quickly disappear from their pockets. Foodstuffs While the pandemic has pushed prices down, the outlook for next year is not too rosy. Prices will again climb to their original value. “Cereals and oilseeds are … Read more

Electricity and gas prices are rising. Experts advise to fix contracts

Electricity suppliers are now buying on the stock exchanges for next year. “Some of them have already started to gradually increase the prices of their products,” confirmed energy analyst Jiří Gavor when asked by Deník. According to him, the last time energy prices were higher than in 2008 was before the economic crisis. Up to … Read more

Opening gardens? No test, for that with a good surcharge. Will beer become more expensive?

The opening of outdoor restaurant facilities has been a big topic in recent days. The government eventually relinquished the need to prove itself in the covid test to sit in the garden, but customers will pay extra in pubs. The operators of restaurants and catering establishments finally have reason to rejoice, after many months they … Read more

Czech Post is getting more expensive! She has published a new price list, we will pay extra from April

The Czech Post has been changing the prices of some services since April. An overview of the changes published on its website. For the classic recommended writing, instead of the original 47 crowns, we will pay five crowns more. In the case of a priority shipment, it will be increased to 59 crowns. – And … Read more

Water will soon become more expensive across the republic. How much more will it cost us?

From next year, Czechs will have to dig deeper into their wallets. Some households will pay up to several hundred more for water than this year. People are disappointed – most argue that even the current price of water is not low. Others are not sure where the extra money will come from. From January … Read more

Czechs will have more expensive petrol in the coming days, thanks to the weakening crown

The Czechs will now pay an average of 27.77 crowns per liter of Natural 95, and the diesel will then cost 27.08 crowns. Fuel is the cheapest since mid-July, but this is set to change in the near future. “Fuel prices can be expected to stagnate in the Czech Republic next week. The stagnation will … Read more

Real estate: a price increase in trompe l’oeil?

Despite the health crisis and the significant drop in the volume of transactions, property prices, smoothed over the year, continue to increase significantly. As for the rents, they are “resisting”. It remains to be seen whether this trend will continue in the face of an economically and socially turbulent fall. Analysis. – Now is the … Read more