We will pay extra for coffee! The covid measures in Vietnam are to blame

Due to the deteriorating coronavirus situation, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where one of the country’s largest ports is located, has been closed for several weeks. That is why it is not possible to export coffee. Vietnam is a major producer of the robusta variety, which is also used in instant coffee. “In addition, exports … Read more

Did you save electricity? You are unlucky, you will pay more next year anyway

Raising prices will not be avoided by households, whether they are heating with gas or electricity. Energy prices are currently the highest in several years. Although some energy suppliers still claim to want to keep the same prices, others are already counting on rising prices. “After two years, there is no choice but to adjust … Read more

New York attorney general warns of rising prices on items and services after Henri’s impact – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a consumer alert Monday warning consumers and businesses of potential price hikes for essential items and services due to Henri’s impact. “New Yorkers should be on the lookout for scammers who use natural disasters to take advantage of consumers,” said Attorney General James. “It is … Read more

The most expensive Christmas in history awaits us! Don’t delay with gifts, economists warn

Roughly eight thousand crowns, the Czechs could give such an amount this year for an average of Christmas presents, another six thousand crowns will be spent on food, decorations or trees. “In total, about 122 billion crowns will be spent on Christmas, “Predicts economist Štěpán Křeček. “The Czechs are waiting for the most expensive Christmas … Read more

Money loses value due to inflation. The economist advises how not to lose savings

Money loses its value. If you have a million saved in your account, you will lose 150,000 in five years with three percent inflation and a quarter of a million in 10 years. The old Jewish saying “keep one-third in cash, one-third in gold, and one-third in real estate” still applies. Today, the possibilities are … Read more

Record dearness. After petrol or beer, Czechs also pay extra for electricity

Beer became more expensive due to higher costs for workers in the field and more expensive packaging, while tobacco became more expensive due to an increase in excise duty. But prices of services, including accommodation and meals in restaurants, also went up. “No one expected such an increase in consumer prices,” says Lukáš Kovanda, chief … Read more

Enel raises the price of electricity by 21%, even for those already in the competitive market

According to the notification sent to customers, starting with September, the price of electricity is 0.394 lei / kwh, compared to 0.325 lei / kwh in the contract concluded in 2020, the subscription price being the same, respectively 0.6 lei / day. Although it seems insignificant, being only 7 bani, this price increase for each … Read more

The Czechia is expecting another rise in price. Prices of petrol, water and clothing will rise

The inflation rate reached 2.8% in June, down 0.1 percentage point from May. However, consumer prices are still high and threaten to rise by the end of the year. “Inflation will accelerate further in the coming months; growth above the level of three percent cannot be ruled out on a temporary basis,” said economist Lukáš … Read more

Tesla did not meet expectations | Finansavisen

The electric car giant reports delivery of 201,000 cars in the second quarter. Analysts expected advance delivery of 207,000 cars, according to CNBC. The company also reports on the production of 206,000 cars, of which 204,000 of the Model 3 and Y models, which are considered to be some of the company’s more “affordable” models. … Read more

Increase in energy prices in Poland. There is a report by the Supreme Audit Office

The Supreme Audit Office audited the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Energy Regulatory Office, the Settlement Manager and electricity trading companies. The audit covered the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2020. “In the offices of the minister responsible for energy, there were units responsible for preparing system solutions and conducting system … Read more