what you need to know about breast cancer

what you need to know about breast cancer

Every year in Kazakhstan about 5,000 women get breast cancer, Tengrinews.kz reports. Mammologist-oncologist Aliya Abdrakhmanova spoke about the primary measures to prevent this oncological disease. According to the expert, breast cancer, for many decades, not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout the world, has been ranked first in terms of incidence. “Every year in Kazakhstan, five … Read more

Do not underestimate the appearance of black spots in front of your eyes! Which types of people are prone to this situation and how to prevent it? | Floaters | Cataracts | Eye Diseases | Causes | Symptoms |

Do not underestimate the appearance of black spots in front of your eyes! Which types of people are prone to this situation and how to prevent it? | Floaters | Cataracts | Eye Diseases | Causes | Symptoms |

[Voice of Hope March 8, 2023](Editor: Zhao Zixin) When some friends look at things, they find that there are some small black spots in the field of vision, or some cotton-like objects floating with the field of vision. When the eyeballs are turned, these speckled objects will move, and when they want to see the … Read more

Addictions: 2 million deaths from drugs in the United States by 2030 | Global UNAM

Addictions: 2 million deaths from drugs in the United States by 2030 |  Global UNAM

Enrique Cifuentes García warns about the increase in deaths from drug overdose in the United States, reaching a total of 107,622 deaths in 2021, which represented an increase of 15% compared to the previous year. Fentanyl, methamphetamine and cocaine are the main substances responsible for these deaths. Cifuentes García, from the Mount Sinai Hospital in … Read more

Alarm at the increase in shigella infections in the US

Alarm at the increase in shigella infections in the US

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warn that it is a serious threat to public health. The alarms in the US health system have been activated by the triggering of shigella infections, a type of bacteria that causes stomach symptoms and shows resistance to antibiotics, which has worried the US health authorities. The … Read more

Mortality from oncological diseases is growing only in Bulgaria out of the whole EU

Mortality from oncological diseases is growing only in Bulgaria out of the whole EU

Bulgaria is the only country in the European Union where the death rate from oncological diseases is growing, according to the data of the European Commission, despite the new therapies. In 2019, 242 out of 100 thousand people lost their lives. Eight years earlier, they were 229 per 100 thousand. The Bulgarians are lagging behind … Read more

New research on the Spanish covid vaccine, in Salud al Día

New research on the Spanish covid vaccine, in Salud al Día

“Health up to date” will broadcast this Saturday, February 18, a report on Andalusian research. Scientists from the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville and the National Center for Biotechnology have shown that the Spanish CSIC vaccine against the coronavirus protects against infection and neurological damage caused by covid19. In this report, among others, Javier Villadiego, … Read more

Stefan Lang about his experiences

Stefan Lang about his experiences

“I hope I do program various tools yourself after graduation can, e.g. B. the data for the Recording controlling more easily to be able to.” Direct implementation in practice First successes he could already do it in the accounting achieve. “I have this system so simplifiedthat I per week only dedicate an hour to bookkeepingbefore … Read more

The doctor will not pass – Newspaper Kommersant No. 8 (7453) dated 01/18/2023

The doctor will not pass – Newspaper Kommersant No. 8 (7453) dated 01/18/2023

More than 70% of Russians who have taken antibiotics in the past six months have done it wrong – either interrupted the course ahead of time, or self-medicated, for example, drank such drugs for a sore throat or as an infection prevention. This became clear in the course of a study by the Central Research … Read more

Xantal Llavina, on her breast cancer: “It’s a taboo subject, psychologically hard”

Xantal Llavina, on her breast cancer: “It’s a taboo subject, psychologically hard”

Barcelona. Friday 30 December 2022. 11:10 Xantal Llavina she has breast cancer. The director and presenter of Revolution 4.0 He announced it publicly a week ago, and this Friday he covered it in the last program of the year of The morning of Catalunya Ràdio. In detail: One in eight women suffers from breast cancer … Read more