Ministry of the Interior | Interactive map of operations and detainees for jihadism in Spain since 2012

Select the provinceAlmeriaCadizCordobaGranadaHuelvaJaenRum raisinSeville HuescaTeruelZaragoza Asturias Balearic Islands the palmsHoly Cross of Tenerife cantabria ÁvilaBurgosLeonPalenciaSalamancaSegoviaSoriaValladolidZamora AlbaceteRoyal cityCuencaGuadalajaraToledo BarcelonaGironaShe giveTarragona Alicante/AlicanteCastellón/CastellónValencia/Valencia badajozcaceres A CoruñaLugoOurensePontevedra Madrid Murcia Navarre Arabic/AlavaBiscayGipuzkoa La Rioja CeutaMelilla Almeria (Andalusia) Total operations Total inmates Almería (6) Huercal-Overa (1) Rocks of the Sea (1) Cadiz (Andalusia) Total operations Total inmates Algeria (4) The line … Read more

Orange December and skin cancer prevention

Orange December and skin cancer prevention

December Orange is the new campaign that strengthens the cure for skin cancer. This disease is caused by the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of the cells that make up the skin. The cells are arranged forming layers according to which they are affected, establishing different types of cancer. Skin cancer is not only related to … Read more