Top Tips for Preventing Cancer and Cancer Recurrence: Advice from a Clinical Nutrition Specialist

Top Tips for Preventing Cancer and Cancer Recurrence: Advice from a Clinical Nutrition Specialist

JAKARTA – Cancer is still a scourge in the world of health globally. Not only the prevalence, the death rate from this disease is also still very high. One of the causes of the emergence of this cancer is an unhealthy lifestyle. This is then exacerbated by the lack of early detection of existing symptoms, … Read more

12 Tips for Preventing Cancer: Eat Right, Avoid Harmful Habits, and Stay Healthy

12 Tips for Preventing Cancer: Eat Right, Avoid Harmful Habits, and Stay Healthy

[Voice of Hope September 25, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) 1. Eat a balanced diet and try to avoid partial eclipse Many foods contain mutagenic substances that cause cell mutations. But on the contrary, there are also many foods that contain ingredients that inhibit mutagenicity, such as carrots with high vitamin C content. Therefore, in daily dietary … Read more

9 natural remedies to prevent colon cancer you can try

9 natural remedies to prevent colon cancer you can try – You can consume a number of ingredients and spices like natural medicine to help you prevent cancer colon. To collect Very well Cheers, Several natural remedies have been shown to play an important role in prevention colon cancer. Preliminary research shows that the following substances can prevent colon cancer and help reduce the … Read more

Broccoli and avocado, these are the types of foods that can prevent cervical cancer

Broccoli and avocado, these are the types of foods that can prevent cervical cancer

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Cervical cancer is definitely a concern for every woman. Because this condition can cause death. There are several types of foods that can prevent cervical cancer, one of which is avocado. Quoted by, nearly 95% of cervical cancer in women is caused by the HPV virus, aka the papilloma virus (human papilloma … Read more

Prevent Cancer Risk at a Young Age, Early Detection and Avoid Factors

Prevent Cancer Risk at a Young Age, Early Detection and Avoid Factors – Illness cancer can attack anyone regardless of age. Not only in people in old age, young generation like millennial and Gen Z also at risk cancer. If you look at the development of Basic Health Research Data (Riskesdas) in 2018, even eight out of 100,000 children aged 1-4 years have cancer risk. Meanwhile, … Read more

13 Cancer Trigger Foods, Students Should Be Alert

13 Cancer Trigger Foods, Students Should Be Alert – Illness Cancer, is still one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Diseases caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body generally do not cause symptoms at first. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 9.6 million people died from cancer in 2018. This was followed by breast cancer … Read more

Recognize the Symptoms of Blood Cancer Treatment | Republika Online

Recognize the Symptoms of Blood Cancer Treatment |  Republika Online

initially blood cancer is not too often heard. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world. It is important to detect it early, including blood cancer which is also increasingly susceptible to being experienced, especially by the elderly (elderly). Doctor Nadia Ayu Mulansari SpPD KHOM said: disease at first blood … Read more

Women Don’t Be Afraid To Check To Prevent Cancer From An Early Age

Women Don’t Be Afraid To Check To Prevent Cancer From An Early Age

Don’t let the pandemic stop women who already have complaints. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The doctor who handled the case cancer breast and cervix advised women not to be afraid to go to the health service if they find an abnormality in the breast or womb. Breast examination to clinical staff or SADANIS, for example, should … Read more

Rarely Known Benefits of Herbal Drinks, from Restoring Mood to Preventing Cancer

Rarely Known Benefits of Herbal Drinks, from Restoring Mood to Preventing Cancer

BULELENGPOST.COM — Herbal drinks are believed for generations to treat various diseases. Herbal drinks are usually made from a mixture of various spices. Indonesia itself has a variety of medicinal plants and spices and these ingredients are usually processed into various kinds herbal drink. The various kinds of benefits that are obtained when consuming herbal … Read more

6 Benefits of Red Guava for Health, Able to Prevent Cancer to Increase Immunity

6 Benefits of Red Guava for Health, Able to Prevent Cancer to Increase Immunity red guava has many benefits for maintaining health and overcoming various diseases. Benefit red guava This is not free because it is rich in many vitamins such as A, C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9. Red guava has 30 times more vitamin C than bananas and 6 times more than … Read more