Phase 1 meetings in Madrid and Barcelona: With family and friends up to 10 people on the street or at home

Phase 1 meetings in Madrid and Barcelona: With family and friends up to 10 people on the street or at home

Coronavirus Spain Encounters with loved ones return with a limit of 10 people Four generations of the same family meet again during the first day of phase 1 in Alcal de Henares in Madrid. Lthe two great urban centers of Spain, Madrid and Barcelona, they are in phase 1 as of today. They are the … Read more

Coronavirus Madrid: Controversy and scoffs at the sculpture of “Ayuso” by the victims of Covid-19 created in 2017

Coronavirus Madrid: Controversy and scoffs at the sculpture of “Ayuso” by the victims of Covid-19 created in 2017

Coronavirus Madrid “Heres del Covid” by the sculptor Vctor Ochoa donated to the Community of Madrid The sculpture installed by Daz Ayuso in a Coronavorus victims was created in 2017 Isabel Daz Ayuso, president of the Madrid’s community, may have skidded somewhat in his well-intentioned desire to open a Memorial to the victims of the … Read more

Valladolid will host PhotoEspaña this summer

Valladolid will host PhotoEspaña this summer

Fifty Spanish cities have joined the # PHEdesdemibalcón call, promoted by PhotoEspaña, in which more than 63,000 photographs taken by the Spanish during the confinement due to the state of alarm have attended. Starting in mid-June, the balconies and windows of cities such as Burgos, León, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid and Zamora (all the provincial … Read more

Burgos will host PhotoEspaña this summer – Burgos News | – Burgos Digital Newspaper

Burgos will host PhotoEspaña this summer – Burgos News | – Burgos Digital Newspaper | 05/20/2020 – 12:31 p.m. – – Starting in mid-June, the balconies and windows of cities such as Burgos, León, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid, Zamora … and thus up to fifty cities, will thus become headquarters of the project, showing the images that a jury made up of experts select in each city. These … Read more

Descaling Valencia: Valencia coronavirus data: 43 new positives and three deaths in the Region

Descaling Valencia: Valencia coronavirus data: 43 new positives and three deaths in the Region

EFE LThe data offered by the Ministry of Health of the Valencian Community of this Sunday, May 17, are from 43 new positive cases of coronavirus by PCR while only three deceased have been registered. All of it in vsperas phase change of all the departments of the Community. This Monday all will pass from … Read more

Dragados presents an ERTE for infrastructure maintenance workers in Madrid | Companies

Dragados presents an ERTE for infrastructure maintenance workers in Madrid | Companies

Dragados has presented an ERTE for the workers of the maintenance service of public roads and infrastructures in Madrid, as reported by the UGT in a statement. Last Wednesday, April 29, the company notified the legal representatives of the workers of the start of a procedure to suspend contracts for productive and organizational causes related … Read more

Coronavirus Madrid: Madrid continues in Phase 0 due to deficiencies in Primary Care

Coronavirus Madrid: Madrid continues in Phase 0 due to deficiencies in Primary Care

Coronavirus Madrid Early detection and follow-up of cases should be consolidated Madrid continues in phase 0 due to the deficiencies of the Community in Primary Care. EFE Lace gaps in primary care in the Community of Madrid are the main reason for the region not to pass next May 18 to the Phase 1. Instead, … Read more

Coronavirus Madrid Phase 1: The Community of Madrid requests the transition to phase 1 towards the new normality

Coronavirus Madrid Phase 1: The Community of Madrid requests the transition to phase 1 towards the new normality

Coronavirus Madrid Phase 1 The increase in the ability to test is one of the data to provide Isabel Daz Ayuso in her office. EFE DI thought that last Saturday the Madrid’s community stay outside the areas of Spain that access the phase 1 of the de-escalation that is taking place throughout the country after … Read more

this woman shows up at a gas station with a hole in her mask … to be able to breathe better! (video)

this woman shows up at a gas station with a hole in her mask … to be able to breathe better! (video)

Posted on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 10:30 p.m.— The cashier filmed the client to denounce her behavior … The video is causing a buzz with millions of views already. – – The scene takes place in Lexington, in the United States, at the beginning of this week. The video is buzzing with several million … Read more